Even Lyra wasn't ready to tell Sesshomaru that she was pregnant. There was already a lot he had to deal with after she had confessed everything that had happened. She was just grateful that he wasn't upset and understood what she had to do and why. 'I'll wait for tonight after Jaken and Rin fall asleep.'


After Kaede had prepared her the medicine, she made it sort of like a drink so she could sip on it and keep her energy up. Thanking her, they left the village with Rin, Jaken and A-Un. Sesshomaru did not wish to pursue Naraku for the time being simply so that Lyra could rest and so that they could make up for lost time.

As the sun began to set, Lyra tried to think of the best way to tell Sesshomaru the news. Though she felt like however she told him, he would have the same reaction. She just didn't know what said reaction would be. For most of the time though, she and Rin had been playing games, filling the silent group with their talking and giggles. Sesshomaru didn't mind. Even with the noise in the background, he was also trying to find the best way to tell Lyra that he wanted her to remain in the castle.

The dreaded time arrived too quickly. They found a place to sleep for the night and set up a fire. Lyra eagerly awaited for the others to fall asleep as she and Sesshomaru sat together in silence. He was leaning back against a tree with one leg bent up at the knee. Lyra had her head rested on his knee as she absentmindedly played with the grass. With everyone finally asleep, she plucked up her courage.

She sat up and took a deep breath in and then out before turning to face Sesshomaru. His eyes were focused on the flames of the fire so she tried to grab his attention by holding her breasts.

"My boobs have been hurting recently," she sighed with a pained expression on her face.
Sesshomaru turned his eyes to look at her. "What?"
She sighed again. "I mean my breasts. My breasts are hurting."
"I see."
Lyra rolled her eyes before moving to sit on her knees, her hands in her lap. "Remember that painting I told you about? The one that's in the castle in the future?"
"Yes," he answered.
"I can't recall if I told you this or not but in that painting, I'm holding a baby in my arms," she hinted at him.
He turned away to look at the fire again. "No, you didn't tell me," he replied casually.

Lyra rolled her eyes again and smacked her palm to her face. Sesshomaru's attention was brought back to her again as she dropped her hand.

She looked into his eyes. "I'm pregnant, Sesshomaru. I'm carrying your child."

That was it. She finally said it. Sesshomaru was going to show some sort of emotion and say something profound to her. He was going to be a father. Was he going to be happy or upset? She stared at his face but he just stared back at her with his usual stoic expression. A few seconds went by in complete silence and the wait was sheer torture.

"I know," he said suddenly.
Lyra blinked. "What?"
He closed his eyes. "I know that you are carrying my child."
She nearly fell back in shock as she raised herself up on her knees, her hands on her hips. "Excuse me? What do you mean you know?"
He looked at her again. "Your scent has changed due to the baby. I have known for a while."

Lyra didn't know how to react. She just stared at him wide eyed in disbelief.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?" she asked in shock.
"I wanted to be sure."
She spluttered a bit as she tried to get her words out. "Wait, so you... You knew and..." She shook her head. "I... You... I just... Did you know it before or after the Itachi thing?"
"Before. You had conceived the night I showed you the castle," he told her casually.

She couldn't help but blush a little as she remembered that night. It was a special night. And she guessed they were both incredibly fertile as well. Breathing out a little, she looked at him with expectant eyes.

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