• THURS OCT 11 PT2 •

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~ he's out if the light he thought it'd be safer he said I wanna go home eyes turn grey like his face in the paper ~


I cowered in the corner, unable to stop my body from shaking in fear, and felt nausea wash over me as the curtain was pushed aside and he stepped into the cave. He smiled at me and I forced one back - we both knew it wasn’t real but I knew better than to be rude. He slipped his jacket off and threw it across a chair before walking over and crouching in front of me.

“What’s the matter little bunny? Your shaking like a leaf” His fingers gently tugged at the bunny ears on my head and a whimper escaped my lips.

“N-nothing...I j-just missed y-you…” His fingers trailed down to my cheek where his thumb caressed the soft skin. A small smirk spread across his lips.

“I missed you too, bunny” He leaned towards me and I knew what he wanted but my body refused to accept it. I automatically moved my face away and I regretted the action instantly. The hand on my cheek moved to grip my chin firmly, painfully, and he turned my face back so I had no choice but to look at him.

The smirk was gone.

He was angry.

“I thought you missed me?” My eyes widened and I nodded as best I could in his hold. I tired to speak but my jaw refused to move as he was holding me so tightly.

“So why did you move? Don’t you like kissing me?” His tone was dangerous and I felt tears begin to form. Any answer I gave would make him unhappy now so I shook my head ‘no’ and went for the honest option.

I didn’t like him kissing me.

I didn't like anything about him or the situation I was in.

His grip tightened.

“That’s very hurtful, bunny” I closed my eyes and felt his hand slide down to my throat.

“You’re so mean to me…” I opened my eyes and tried as hard as I could to hold back the tears.

“I’m s-sorry” He ignored me, of course, and his eyes travelled down my body.

“You look so pretty, bunny. Are you really sorry?” I bit my lip and nodded my head ‘yes’. He chuckled.

“I don’t believe you” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bar of chocolate and my stomach instantly growled. It was the first food I’d seen since I was brought here and I could do nothing but watch in agony as he peeled the foil wrapped slowly from the chocolate.

“I bought a treat, little bunny, but I don’t think you deserve it now…” A whine escaped my throat at the threat of being denied food.

“I’m sorry! Please! I’m so hungry!” My hand reached for the chocolate bar but it was quickly moved out of my grasp. His other hand still held my chin, holding me firmly in place, as he watched my attempt to struggle free; the glimpse of food giving me a newfound reason to struggle. His head cocked to the side as he observed my movements before he abruptly let me go. I lurched forward at the sudden loss of stability but managed to catch myself before falling at his feet - literally.

“You’re hungry?” I nodded frantically and he hummed in thought.

“Well then…let me feed you” Slowly, he raised the bar to his lips and bit off a small square with a loud cracking sound. He raised an eyebrow as he held the chocolate between his teeth and crooked a finger; beckoning me closer.

I didn’t want to.

I didn’t want to give that pig the satisfaction of me going to him...but it hurt so much…

I unwillingly crawled closer to the crouched man and knelt up with my hands supporting my weight on his thighs. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his smug smirk, and leaned forward with my lips slightly parted and felt his hand at the back of my neck. He pulled me closer and before I could fully accept what was happening the small square was pushed into my mouth and an involuntary moan was released. I savoured the taste of the sweet, not knowing when I’d next eat, and before I knew it the chocolate had melted in my mouth. I was about to pull away when I felt his tongue follow after and his hand at my neck hold me in place. I whimpered, struggled, but of course it was pointless.

It always was.

He was just so much stronger.

He explored my mouth and ran over the chocolate still on my tongue - it was enough to make me gag. He tilted his head, deepening the unwanted kiss, and pushed me backwards until we were in a familiar position; me on my back with his body covering mine. I held back a sob as his hands began to wander my body. It wasn’t the first time he had done something like this...but I always hoped it would be the last.

His fingers crept under the skirt of the dress he forced me to wear and roughly grabbed at the bruised skin beneath.

His lips left mine and I immediately looked to the side, not caring that it left my neck open to his attacks.

I couldn’t look at him.

I couldn’t watch.

So pretty…”

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