"6" years old

112 8 9

"Knees shaking, eyes closed, please don't."

My whole life I have lived in constant fear because of you... because of the things that you did... I will never forget the way you touched me... the way you held me against my will... I will never forget the way I screamed for you to let me go... the way I begged you to stop... I was 6 years old... and I dont know what you were going through or what made you do what you did but you ruined my childhood... you ruined the most innocent part of my life... you took more than a childhood away... you took my ability to say no... you took 9 years of my happiness... I have nightmares till this day... and I can still remember how it felt... excruciating... numb... I wanted you to stop more than anything... more than anything I wanted you to stop... the blood... the crying... nothing changed your mind.. nothing changed your heart in that moment... you introduced me to things I shouldn't have known... 6 years old.... I wish I had the words to describe what that does to someone... but you gave me a gift I never realized I had... an ability to relate to people... an ability to help them... because of you to others I can relate... and when they find this out they know they aren't alone... I will never forget what you did... and this will always remain true... but I will never ever hold this against you and I do forgive you...

just know that the physical scars you left faded... but the ones you left on my heart... they're still here.

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