Who He Trusts You With

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I have a question for you guys, when I do the longer imagines/preferences do you prefer if I say 'you' and 'Y/N' or if I say I and ignore the name completely. Tell me what you think.

And I'm typing this on my computer instead of my phone, so the formatting is a little different. I also have about three preferences written on sheets of paper because I wrote them at school, so they should be up soon depends on how lazy I am. I'm also seeing the Fault In Our Stars tomorrow, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Who He Trusts You With


Derek trusts you with Scott. Derek knows Scott tries to protect those who need protecting, so he doesn't doubt Scott Will do whatever is necessary to save you.


Scott trusts Stiles, not a big surprise. Since they have been friends for what seemed like ever, Stiles has always been able to find away out of crappy situations, Scott knows Stiles can save you from anything.


Stiles trusts Scott with you because they are best friends, brothers even, and he has wickedly sharp claws.Stiles knows Scott won't let you get hurt, because you are Scott's little sister, and Scott always protects his family.


Isaac trusts Derek with you. When Derek took Isaac in, Isaac trusted him with everything.Isaac knows Derek isn't as cold-hearted as everyone thinks and actually likes your company, so he knows Derek will keep you safe.


Aiden trusts Scott with you. Whenever Aiden disappears he leaves a note saying to go to Scott. Aiden never really thanks Scott for it, but Scott knows how grateful Aiden is.


Jackson trusts Scott with you. Jackson is the closest to Scott out of all the werewolves and Stiles. Whenever Jackson thought you might get hurt, he'd take you to Scott for protection and help.


Peter goes to Derek when he needs someone to watch over you. You're never sure if it is because they are family and Peter trusts Derek, or because he is the only one in the city that Peter thinks has the strength to.

I added Jackson and Peter because someone recommended it, and a new preferences coming soon that someone wanted. So if any of you people want a certain preference or have an idea you can alway sleave a comment.

Teen Wolf PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora