Chapter 20: Happily Ever After?

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The first thing they all did getting back to Marmoreal was have a burial and pay their respects to the ones that didn't make it. 

"I'd like to thank everyone who went through this with us every step of the way." Mirana gazed at the crowd, "You all were brave and even the people who.. have gone."

The Underlandians stood and bowed then clapped. When it was over, some either stayed or left but said a few words before going. All that was there was Hatter, Alice and the rest of the Hightopps.

"I know your mother is proud and happy to see you all together again.." Alice whispered, squeezing Hatter's hand to let him know she was here for him.

"Your right, my dear. You two would've gotten along." Hatter whispered and smiled sadly, tears forming again which he quickly wiped away.

"She's in our hearts. Always." Zanik smiled at his son, laying a hand on his shoulder and stared down at the grave.

"What do we do without mum..?" Bree, the youngest, said and was comforted by Gwen.

"She'd want us to move on and live our lives.." Hatter replied, hugging his sisters as well then gently reached his hand out, touching the tombstone encarved with Tyva's name.

"I'm so sorry.." They all turned and saw Mirana standing there, "This is all my fault.. none of this would've happened if it wasn't for me.."

"Your majesty don't blame yourself, we all didn't know what was to come. This is what fate chose.." Hatter sighed and added, "Fate.. that witch, she's just as tricky like Time!"

They all laughed which lightened the mood a bit then headed back inside where everything seemed normal. Or should have been.

**Scene Change**

"Hatter what's this about?" Alice smiled curiously as Hatter was behind her, covering her eyes.

"Trust me, my love. Just a few more steps." Hatter whispered in her ear and they both walked up a stone path.

Earlier, he had asked Alice that he had wanted to show her something and blindfolded her the entire way. All she could think about was what it could be. He had been so excited and desperate to have her see it.

"We're here, what do you think?" Hatter uncovered his hands from her eyes.

Alice opened them and looked around. In front of them was a big house in the shape of a hat, pots and bushes of flowers were surrounding it and the paint looked fresh since it gleamed in the sunlight. She was shocked and slowly went up the steps, opening the door.

Inside was bigger than she thought, there was a staircase that lead to the second floor, there was a living room down the hall and a desk closer to the front door. The furniture looked new and outside the window was a view of the woods and the white castle in the distance.

"Wow.. Hatter.. it's..." Alice was awestruck and at a loss for words, this all was too good to be true.

"You like it? This is my house, well our house now if you'd like to move in with me." Hatter smiled excitedly, "I had everything fixed up just for you."

"Of course I'll live with you! I love it so much!" Alice smiled brightly and Hatter hugged her tight when she jumped into his arms.

"I'm so glad, my Alice!" A giant grin spread across his face, "Of course you can settle in whenever you want and we'll have a family soon since it's big enough-"

"Hatter!" Alice said and giggled, blushing when the thought of having a family occurred.

"Fez.. sorry dear." Hatter suddenly remembered what he said and blushed as well, "I-well not right now, when you want and until we're married cause it wouldn't be proper-"

"Tarrant I'd love to have a family soon." Alice placed her hands on his arms and cut him off again, smiling.

"R-really?" Hatter stuttered but stopped talking when Alice crashed her lips on his, silencing him then kissed her back.

"I love you so much, don't forget that." Alice whispered, brightening up with happiness.

"I love you more, my dear Alice and I will never forget." Hatter tucked a lock a hair behind her ear and smiled fondly back.

They both spent the rest of the day exploring their new home and maybe getting a few stolen kisses from each other then took a quick nap in their new bedroom.

**few hours later**

Alice sat up quietly and walked out onto the new balcony that had had displayed a breathtaking view of Underland. She closed her eyes and took in the sweet air filled with an aroma of flowers and calmness.

"Hey.." Hatter walked up from behind and hugged her, wrapping his arms around her and muttered, lips against her neck.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Alice took in a quick breath this time and breathed out relieved at his touch. 

"Fine, even better with you." Hatter nuzzled her neck which tickled and made her blush and giggle.

"That's good.." Alice said softly and kissed him which he returned, they both were like that for a long time then drew away slowly.

"I never thought my life would be like this, right here and now with you." Hatter held her hands in his, a spark of joy inside of them.

"So did I but life is very mysterious indeed, how curious." Alice leaned her head against his chest while he held her in his arms.

"Very curious indeed, love." Hatter chuckled and sighed, looking out at everything around them but his favorite view was when he glanced at the love of his life, nothing could compare to her.

"I can't wait till we're finally married, it'll be magical!" Alice exclaimed, the smile brightening and Hatter ran a hand through her curls.

"The exact thought, we'll be together, always and forever." He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"Always and forever." Alice nodded in agreement, "With our happily ever after." 

But will they really be together as they expected? Some say that it just exists in stories but real life can hold treasures we haven't discovered. So again, will there ever be a happily ever after?


OMG I can't believe it! This is the last chapter of my story! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read it and supported me! I love you all so much! Anyway for the surprise! I'm going to be doing a book 2! Yup that's right, a second book and I'll post next what the title will be and some of my drawings! Fairfarren and I love you all my amazing Wonderlandians!

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