Chapter 10: Looking Glass

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"Make sure to block the other person's sword with your own." Hatter said, using his sword to demonstrate. "Raise it like this, not too high and not too low."

Alice raised her sword just like Hatter did, they were in the training room so they could practice on how to fight. She decided to learn how to use a sword, though she did know a few things while traveling in Above-land.

"Good job Alice, now let's learn how to fight without a weapon." Hatter put away his sword and Alice saw he was a little hesitant.

"Tarrant, are you alright?" Alice walked a step towards him and he took a deep breath.

"Yes cricket, I'm fine." Hatter said, using the nickname he made up for her when she was a little girl. "Teaching you how to use a sword is easy but now that we're moving on to fighting with your hands, I don't want to hurt you."

Alice hugged him and sighed. She knew that Hatter was scared about hurting her, he would let the guilt and madness take over if he ever hurt her but she trusted him.

"Hatter, you won't hurt me, I trust you. We'll go easy if you want to, ok?" Alice smiled that smile he loved to see then she chuckled. "And I think I should be the one to not hurt you, I've learned more about this in my travels than using a sword."

She quickly kissed Tarrant's cheek and backed away, she remembered what she was taught in China about martial arts. In London, it would have been horrifying if a lady learned how to fight.

"Ready.." Hatter whispered and Alice nodded in response. "Go.."

They both circled each other slowly and Hatter finally managed to throw a (light) punch but to his surprise and relief, Alice blocked it quickly but she kicked him (gently) in the stomach which made him stumble back a bit. She thought he was down until he wrapped his arms around her, her back against his chest and she struggled slightly.

"Are you ready to stop?" Hatter whispered playfully in her ear which made Alice smirk and think of a plan.

"Yes.." Alice faked a sigh then smiled. "After I've won."

Before he knew it, Alice had pinched his arm which made him yelp and loosen his grip a bit but just enough so Alice could grab his hand and flip him on his back to the ground.

"Alright, now I'll stop." Alice smirked victoriously and didn't notice Hatter grabbing her arm and pulling her to the ground with him.

"Naughty Alice!" Hatter joked and they both laughed until they realized how they were positioned.

Alice was on top of Hatter while his hands were slightly around her waist and her hands were holding her up, they were on either side of Hatter's head. They stayed like that for a while until Alice leaned in and kissed him, she could taste the Earl Grey tea he had and he could taste strawberries, tea and well.. Alice! They finally helped each other up and blushed deeply even though they were almost about to married.

"Miss Alice! Mr. Hightopp! I'm so glad I found both of you! The Queen would like to speak to both of you." Mary Ann came into the room and quickly curtsied to both of them.

The maid lead them through the castle and to the throne room where Mirana was waiting, she was in deep thought but snapped out of it when they entered the room.

"Your Majesty, is everything alright?" Hatter bowed and tried to stay calm.

"Yes Tarrant but I may have found an easier way to go between Underland and Above-land." Mirana glanced at Alice who had a curious but slightly frightened and hopeful look on her face.

"It is a Looking Glass, we thought it disappeared forever when my father, the king of Underland, closed it because he thought it was risky to have an Above-lander possibly discovering it and coming here." Mirana sighed and keep pacing back and forth which was very unlike her since she was the queen.

"That means I could go back.." Alice whispered which made Hatter's eyes turn blue and yellow, he thought she wanted to leave. "No, Hatter, I'm not leaving again, I mean just to visit and see how my mother and sister are doing. I would never leave you."

Hatter hugged Alice tightly, relieved but still scared she would one day leave him. She knew deep down she would never do that to him, first of all, she loved him and couldn't live without him, second of all, she couldn't let his heart break again, not after everything he's been through.

"Yes, that was one of the purposes to use the Looking Glass for but I was also thinking of using it to keep you safe. If Iracebeth takes over, which I assure you will not happen, or if the war gets too intense then we send Alice through it back to her land and hopefully my sister won't find her there." Mirana explained her plan. 

Alice didn't like it, she didn't want to go back, not yet and a part of Hatter thought it was a good idea since it meant that Alice would be safe but another part of him didn't like it either since it meant sending his Alice away.

"Thank you Mirana but may we use the Looking Glass to see Alice's family?" Hatter turned to his fiancée for approval. "If that's alright with you dear?"

Alice thought about it for a moment. She did want her family to see him so she could prove she would not end up a spinster and that she was going to be married for love and not advantage.

"Yes.." Alice whispered and nodded then turned to Mirana. "Is that alright?"

"Yes, of course, whenever your ready, you may use the Looking Glass to visit your family." Mirana gave a small smile then lead them toward another room.

Inside was the grand clock that was covered with chains and if they went in it, they would likely be in Time's castle. Hatter muttered something in Outlandish when he saw it and was glad they walked right past it. He never did get along with Time ever since he stopped for Hatter, Thackery and Mally, that was why it was always tea time for them.

"This way." Mirana opened a door in the back of the room and up some stairs to a tower where the Looking Glass was. Alice was exhausted when they finally reached the top. She would have to talk to Mirana about possible moving the Looking Glass somewhere closer to her room.

There was a sheet covering something on the wall and Mirana pulled the sheet away, revealing a gold framed mirror that sparkled in the sun and the glass shimmered.

"Curious.." Alice stepped forward and put her hand to the glass to touch it but instead, her hand went through and she quickly pulled it back.

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to visit Above-land? What do you think?" Hatter came up behind her then she nodded, she was still nervous about going back.

"Alright, I'll make arrangements so you both may be ready for tomorrow." Mirana gracefully curtsied then walked down the stairs.

"What do we do now?" Alice whispered and sighed.

"Why don't we go back to training?" Hatter said and Alice turned around to see him smiling and his eyes turned a darker shade of green. She knew that mood.

"Alright but I'm tired from walking-" Alice was cut off when Hatter picked her up and carried her back to their room. They knew what they were about to do before being married would be scandalous in London but they were in Underland and they didn't care. Plus, they wouldn't go that far. Better to be a little prepared for the wedding night.


I can't wait to write the next chapter and write her family's expressions! And I don't write lemon so that's how far I'll go. Till next time!

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