Chapter 16: Alive

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Everyone turned to where the shout came from, staring in shock at the sight. Well, Iracebeth and the card knights were shocked, Alice and Hatter were more relieved and surprised.

A lady with short curly orange hair, dark brown eyes and wearing a green-red dress was the voice and the roar came from the Bandersnatch which she was riding! How did she manage to tame the creature?

"Get away from them!" The lady slid down the Bandersnatch, glaring at the soldiers and took out a bow and arrow, walking to them while shooting.

The red cards started charging towards her, spears pointed but each one fell, stabbed by an arrow. It was like she has been trained longer than they have, never flinching and kept going straight.

When they were all down, she picked up her pace and went towards the pair, the lady's eyes widened when she saw Hatter but quickly shook her head, focusing on them.

"Are you both alright?" She asked, concerned and glanced at Alice, gasped, "She doesn't look well, we have to get her back to Marmoreal and fast."

Their mouths were open as if to say something but just nodded and the lady and Hatter, quickly but carefully helped Alice onto the Bandersnatch.

The softness of the creature's fur and Hatter's arms around her comforted the girl, knowing that they would be safe and grateful that the mysterious person came in time or they'd be losing their heads.

A while passed when the marble towers of the white castle peered from behind the rows of cherry blossom trees. The white queen was on the balcony with the others and looked through the telescope.

"We have company." Mirana turned swiftly and glided outside, the tiny smile on her face slowly fading, eyes widening in shock when she saw them clearly.

The champion looking a mess and probably about to faint judging by the way she slightly swayed when Hatter helped her down and towards the entrance. She was also stunned by the appearance of the lady, one whom she would know anywhere.

"My goodness, what happened?! Come, bring her inside!" Mirana lead them to a room where the sick and injured were treated.

Alice fought the urge to go unconscious, she held onto Hatter who was carrying her. Once she was laid on the bed, the last thing she saw was him beside her and Mirana injecting something into her arm.

Everything was all black after that.

**Scene Change**

"Let her sleep, she lost a lot of blood." Mirana sighed, staring at the floor for a few seconds at the floor then at Tarrant, "You shouldn't have ran away like that."

"I'm sorry your majesty, I understand I shouldn't have but.." Hatter paused and sighed, holding Alice's hand gently.

"But you wanted to save her.." Mirana nodded, "You could have gotten yourself or both of you killed."

"Do you see how she is?!" Hatter hissed, his eyes turning yellow. "She could have been worse or dead if I didn't go."

"I'll leave you two alone.." Mirana decided it not best to argue further with him, he seemed a little more stressed since they got back, maybe because of his fiancée's conditions.

Mirana gracefully left the room and waited outside in the hall. Leaning against the wall was the woman she saw earlier, the one who she thought was gone.

"Your majesty! I'm sorry I didn't see you there." The lady curtsied and stood up straight.

"It's quite alright Mrs. Hightopp but tell me.." Mirana took a step forward, "How are you alive? We thought you and everyone else was gone since.."

"Since Horunvendush Day, yes I know and please, call me Tyva." Tyva gave a weak smile, her eyes filled with guilt, "And the red queen is keeping them as her prisoners. I managed to escape and went into hiding."

"We must do something. My sister is planning a battle against us, she may use them as an advantage." Mirana started thinking.

"Yes and I need to talk to my son." Tyva went towards the entrance but was stopped when the queen placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Tyva that might not be a wise decision, he doesn't seem to recognize you right now and if you tell him who you are, that could make him want to find the rest of his family." Mirana tried to convince her, "And possibly put himself in danger again."

Tyva thought for a moment then nodded and sighed. It was for the best, so no one would get hurt or killed. Everything would go back to normal, hopefully.

"Alright your majesty but let me at least see him, please." Tyva replied and went in the room when the queen gave a slight nod.

**Scene Change**

Hatter sat on the end of the bed, gently brushing away a strand of hair from his love's face, her pale complexion was lighter than usual, her cheeks drained from their rosy pink tint.

"Please wake up.." Hatter whispered, "I'm so sorry I let you down.. I let you get hurt.. I was supposed to protect you."

He didn't hear the door open, too focused on the sleeping figure until someone cleared their throat which made him turn slightly.

"Sorry to bother, I just wanted to check in and see how you both are doing." Tyva smiled slightly, walking slowly.

"Fine, thank you." Hatter nodded in response, "And thank you for saving us."

"No need to thank me." Tyva stood there watching them, "I forgot to ask, who are you two?"

Of course she knew who her own son was but had to pretend so Tarrant wouldn't know who she really was. And she wanted to know who the young lady is.

"I'm Tarrant Hightopp but everyone calls me Hatter." 'Of course since it's the family trade', Tyva thought, "And she's my fiancée, Alice Kingsleigh."

Tyva felt her smile grow wider, noting that the hand he held was the one that the girl had a ring on. She was thrilled that her son had found love and was engaged. If only she could tell him the truth.

"That's very exciting, congratulations to both of you." Tyva had to contain her excitement, wishing she could celebrate as any mother would.

They said nothing else and they sat there in awkward silence. 'Why does she seem so familiar?' Hatter thought and was about to ask her until he saw that she had left, leaving him there.

"I'm not leaving you again.." Hatter whispered in Alice's ear, hoping she'd hear and maybe wake up.

The sun was setting and he started dozing off, falling asleep but kept his grip on her hand, making sure he didn't let go for anything.

If only his family could see them, be with him and have everything be the way it used to be. But sadly, you cannot change the past.


I know this is kind of a boring chapter but hey, plot twist! What do you all think of Tyva being here? Comment and we'll get to the battle soon! Fairfarren all!

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