Chapter 7: Dresses & Secrets

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The next day, Alice woke up and felt someone's arms around her and looked up to see Hatter sleeping (also quietly snoring) and smiled slightly as she remembered what happened last night. She tried to stand up without waking him but when she moved, Hatter's arms tightened around her then he woke up immediately.

"Oh, so sorry dear Alice, I didn't realize you were awake. Though I couldn't know you were awake since I was sleeping and there is a difference and you don't notice much while sleeping, only when your awake, I remember when I had to stay awake all night and make a-" Hatter started rambling but Alice just smiled and placed her hand on his.

"Hatter." Alice said softly. "It's alright, I woke up a few seconds before you did and I didn't want to wake you."

"Hat..I'm fine, thank you. It's quite fine dear Alice. Now why don't we get some tea before a scone (or worse) gets thrown at us for being late." Hatter said and helped Alice up then walked all the way to the kitchen. It was early in the morning and the hall was empty. 

Alice kept thinking about last night and wondered why she felt so safe and happy when Hatter was around. She felt a warm, tingling feeling every time he even held or touched her. Even the tiniest touch from his fingers made that feeling inside her.  She also remembered Hatter said something to her in Outlandish, 'mo gradh,' she didn't know what that meant but she'd ask him later. 

"Good morning you two! How did you both sleep? I hope the storm didn't bother anyone." Mirana smiled as Alice and Hatter entered the kitchen. Luckily, it was so early, Thackery was not up yet so they were safe then poured some tea into their cups

"We slept fine, thank you Mirana." Aice and Hatter said but Alice had an uneasy look on her face but then smiled before they noticed. 

"I heard the strangest noise last night, it sounded like screaming, did any of you hear it?" Mirana asked but before they could respond, McTwisp came hopping into the room with a list.

"Your Majesty, here is the list of everyone that is attending the ball tonight and the royal seamstress would like to see you right now to fit your gown." McTwisp said, looking at his pocket watch.

"Thank you, I shall be right there." Mirana nodded and smiled. "I'll see you two tonight at the ball, it will be so much fun! I even have a surprise planned." Before both of them could ask, Mirana hurried out of the room, faster than she normally would have walked. 

They decided to wait until later what Mirana had planned and sat there for a while, chatting and drinking tea.

"I just realized I don't have a dress for the ball. I mean I love the dresses you made me but I think they're only good for wearing to tea or in the day." Alice sighed, she didn't want to go to ball or else everyone would be surrounding her and asking questions but she had to go, at least her friends were there and her mother wasn't planning this party or it would be boring and full of suitors. 

"That reminds me! Come, I need to show you something." Hatter said, excitedly and gently grabbed Alice's hand, leading her through the hall. She tried to catch up because he seemed to walk faster than her and when they stopped in front of a door, she tried to catch her breath.

"I'm so sorry Alice, I forgot you couldn't walk that fast, that was very thoughtless of me.." Hatter's eyes had a few blue color specks but Alice gently held his face in her hands.

"Hatter, it's okay. I know you were just excited about what you wanted to show me." Alice smiled and he nodded then opened the door, walking inside with her. 

Alice looked around and realized they were in Hatter's workshop since there were fabrics all around on the table and the ground, hats were on some stands and there was the machine that he used to sew the fabric together. What really caught her eye was a something in a corner that was covered but she could see it sparkle.

"I worked on this ever since the queen said there was going to be a ball in your honor and I wanted you to have something special." Hatter fidgeted with his hands, nervously but smiled slightly then went over to the thing that was covered and pulled the sheet.

Under the sheet was a light blue dress with a gold trimming and designs on the front, there were also emerald and dark sapphire sequins around the designs which sparkled in the light. 

"Oh Hatter, it's..." Alice was speechless because of the beautiful creation in front of her. She couldn't believe that he made this just for her, it must have taken a long time. 

Hatter looked at Alice and his face fell instantly, his eyes became a sad blue and his clothes lost some color, he obviously took Alice's expression the wrong way.

"You don't like it?" Hatter whispered, his eyes about to turn yellow.

"No, Hatter, I absolutely love it! It's gorgeous, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Thank you so much. " Alice smiled as Hatter's expression lightened up even more than it originally was and he smiled back as he hugged her tightly and she hugged back. They both felt the warm tingling feeling inside and didn't want to let go until they heard a knock at the door. 

Hatter mumbled something in Outlandish and Alice didn't know what he said but she was sure it wasn't nice so she playfully (and gently) slapped his shoulder. 

"What was that for?" Hatter pretended to pout, trying to hide his smile.

"I don't know what you said but it probably wasn't nice." Alice smiled slightly and walked towards the door.

"You must be starting to learn the language then." Hatter chuckled and picked up a hat he was working on then examined it. 

Alice opened the door and saw one of the queen's maids, Mary Anne, standing there and looked like she was also in a hurry.

"There you are Miss Alice! I've been looking everywhere for you! The queen has requested to see you in the royal dress room to get ready for the ball tonight." Mary Anne said and curtsied then smiled.

"Thank you Mary Anne, I'll be there soon." Alice replied and the maid nodded then walked away.

"I guess I have to go get ready with Mirana now." Alice turned to Hatter and sighed then smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you two will talk about many things together. I must get ready too, I'll see you soon." Hatter smiled and Alice hugged him one last time before closing the door behind her.

**Scene Change**

Mirana paced in her room, excited but nervous. She wondered if her two friends would like the surprise, of course she knew what Hatter would be doing tonight and the party wasn't just to celebrate Alice's return.

"Hello Mirana, I'm here, I'm so sorry I'm late." Alice walked into the dressing room and smiled. 

"It's alright dear, now have you seen the dress Tarrant has made for you?" Mirana asked, smiling.

"Yes, it's beautiful, the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen him make. I can't believe he made it for me." Alice said happily and started tying her hair up. "Wait, you knew about it?"

Mirana turned around, pretending to look for something but secretly smiled, she knew everything that was going to happen tonight and even though she didn't know what Alice's answer would be, she was positive it would be 'yes.' Mirana saw the way Alice and Hatter looked at each other and was determined to get them together and help them stop playing around with their feelings.

"He just said he was making a dress for you." Mirana said and shrugged, it was the truth just not the whole truth, she was the white queen but also the queen of white lies.

Alice looked at Mirana suspiciously and figured something was going on that everyone else knew about but wouldn't tell her.

"Now, go freshen up, take the time you need but not too much! Wouldn't want to keep your escort waiting, would you?" Mirana handed Alice a robe and showed her the bathroom, not noticing Alice blush when she said 'escort.'


I expected this chapter to be longer but if I added the ball with this then it would have been too long. I swear, cross my heart, promise that I'll make it up to you all in the next chapter! And did you catch that little hint/secret that Mirana was thinking? *wink* ;)

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