0 8 : You scared me!

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"Jessica, you guys have to talk!" Bri said as she sat between her and Karter on a bench at the end of the pier, the place where many an argument had been resolved. With longing eyes, Karter tried to telepathically get Jessica to speak to her. "I love both of you and seeing this divide you two makes me really sad." Despite Bri's gentle disposition, she was usually the moderator of these situations due to the simple fact that she was rarely the one getting into arguments.

"I'm so sorry, Jessica," Karter said, "I don't know why you won't forgive me."

"Because you scared me!" Jessica shouted near the top of her lungs. The noise turned a few heads but she continued, "I trusted you and you just ran off with your boyfriend and I couldn't get in touch with you!" Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes and she furiously wiped them away, "I was so scared," she said in a softer voice.

Kart crept over Bri to give Jessica a hug. This time, Jessica couldn't stop the water works.

"I'm so so so sorry," Karter squeezed her friend, "that'll never happen again. You have my word."

A happy sob escaped Jessica's mouth and her tears stained Karter's shoulder. Bri tilted her head back and rested it on the bench. As she stared at the sky, her thoughts became clearer. There was no doubt that eventually the two girls would have another fight, but for the time being they were happy and she was happy.


Tall. That's all Caleb could think as Camden spoke. Caleb, Logan, and Camden decided to get together after meeting at the beach and they were really getting along. Logan had mentioned his wanting to get a motorcycle, so Camden decided to show him his.

He surfs, he rides a motorcycle, and he's tall, Caleb though to himself, what the fuck.

There was an unexpected feeling of inferiority that washed over him as Camden explained to Logan the make and model he drove.

It was times like these when Caleb became hyper-aware of his height. Camden was so cool and he had to be over six feet tall.

Suddenly Caleb was upset. Was Karter really being honest when she said them fake dating wasn't a bet? Was she really just playing a sick joke? Oh, date the short guy, it'll be hilarious. She could date whoever she wanted. She could date Camden for goodness sake!

I bet she likes him. I mean, who wouldn't!

A strange sensation passed through his body, something he wasn't able to name...

"Hey guys!"

The three boys turned to see Karter walking towards them. Caleb's heart caught in his chest at the surprise visit. Is she psychic?

"What's up, short stuff?" Camden greeted.

Caleb's stomach twisted. Of course he calls her 'short stuff'. Probably just to show off how tall he is. With crossed arms, his face fell. Karter immediately noticed. There was a little alarm that went off as he avoided her gaze. She didn't bring it up, however, because it would've put him on the spot which can make lots of people uncomfortable.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to do something but it looks like you have company."

"Yeah, we can go out on the water tomorrow if you want," Camden suggested.

"Sounds good!" Karter smiled to her friend and then turned to the other two boys, "have fun looking at the motorcycle!" With a wave, she headed back out to leave them to it.

"What was with the cold shoulder towards your fake girlfriend?" Camden asked once Karter was out of hearing distance.

Caleb's eyes shot towards him in confusion, "you know?"

"Yeah, she told me yesterday," Camden laughed. Caleb's stomach clenched at the sound and his bad mood got just a little bit worse.

"I'm just not feeling that great," he shrugged, "I'm gonna head home, I have to study for finals next week anyway."

He turned and started walking away but Logan caught up to him before he could get very far, "what's up dude? I know you're not going to study for finals so what's really going on?"

"Nothing," Caleb answered angrily, "I just gotta go."

Logan didn't believe a word he said, but he let his friend go. Sometimes Caleb just needed time to cool off, so Logan twirled back around and trusted that Caleb would eventually calm down.

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