0 6 : I'm so sorry about this

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With closed eyes, Karter stretched in what she thought was her bed, but it most certainly wasn't. She came to this realization when her hand hit something mid-stretch. Opening her eyes, she faced a sleeping Caleb who was none the wiser to the freakout Karter was about to have.

"What the fuck?!" She yelled, jumping back and falling off the side of the bed.

Caleb woke up immediately, "what? what's going on?"

"Why the hell am I sleeping in your bed?!" Karter furiously asked the boy who was looking at her from over the side of the bed. Slowly looking down, she realized she wasn't even wearing her own clothes, "tell me what's going on or I swear on everything you love that-"

"Ugh, calm down. I brought you here after you punched some girl and threw up. You wouldn't tell me where you lived so I decided to bring you here. Happy?" Caleb wasn't having any of it. After all he dealt with the previous night, he wasn't excited about the arrangements either. He casually grabbed some clothes from his dresser and walked over to the bathroom, "I'm getting changed. You do the same. I'll figure out a way to sneak you out of here."

Karter tried to piece together the previous night. How much had she had to drink? If there was one thing she was good at it was holding her alcohol, but apparently she drank a little too much.

This doesn't make any sense, she thought.

Wait! I left Bri!

In a panic she searched for her phone and found it underneath her crumpled jeans. There were 10 unanswered messages and 6 missed calls.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," from the texts it seemed like her parents were worried but then Jessica gave her a cover by saying Karter was staying over at her house. The voice mails consisted of a very angry Jessica yelling at Karter to call her back.

Praise you Jessica!

Karter felt horrible for leaving Bri though. She was supposed to be her rock but instead she got drunk and left with her fake boyfriend.

"I'm a terrible friend," Karter rubbed her face with her hands and decided to follow Caleb's directions. He'd gotten her this far...

She quickly got dressed and then waited for Caleb who knocked on the inside of the bathroom door to make sure she was changed and not standing half naked.

"I'm honestly so sorry about this," Karter said as soon as he reappeared, "I didn't expect to get that drunk and on top of that I never expected you to take care of me like you did. I'm so sorry that this happened and I'm really thankful for everything you did and I promise it'll never happen again. If there's anything you need from me ever, just let me know."

Karter wasn't usually one to cry, but the situation combined with her splitting headache pushed her to the brink of tears.

With a sigh, he felt like he was sighing a lot these days, Caleb sat down next to Karter on the bed, "well first of all, you can stop talking so loud. I really don't need my parents to know I had my fake girlfriend over." Karter nodded somberly to what he was saying. "Secondly, I accept your apology. Last night completely sucked but I'm sure your other friends would've done the same so don't worry too much about it."

Caleb stood up and held out his hand for Karter to take, "but you do owe me one."

A sad smile graced her lips and she grabbed Caleb's hand.

"Alright, now follow me and stay completely quiet," Caleb said.

Karter gave him a salute and then followed him out of the room. She crept along beside him while he tried to appear as normal as possible in case they got caught. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Caleb made sure the coast was clear and then led her to the front door. They passed his dad sitting on the couch and had almost made it when a cute little voice called out.

"Caleb!" It called from the kitchen. Caleb's eyes widened and his heart rate spiked. If they were found out, it was over. He turned to his little sister and gestured for her to be quiet. Her eyes darted from Caleb to Karter. Her little kid brain put two and two together and so she nodded and mimicked his hand movement.

"I'm going to Logan's!" Caleb called out to the house right as they exited. Once they had made it safely to the car, the two let out a stress sigh.

"Give me your address and I'll drop you off," Caleb said.

Karter did so. "Thank you so much," she said for the second time, "I really appreciate this."

"No problem," a small smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "I mean, you are my girlfriend."

Karter just laughed.

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