Chapter Three - { Problems }

Start from the beginning

"Gosh your really warm..." You said worried. He looked at you lazily.

"I'm sorry..." He said sleepily

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry about. Now I'm going to go get you some food and I'll tell Commander Iverson that'd I'll be taking today's training off to help you get better okay?" You said smiling softly at the boy.

"Thank you (Y/N)... You know you don't have to..." He said sitting up and leaning against the wall pulling the covers up.

"Well I want to. We can't have you being sick, now can we? Shiro would have done the same if he were here, I know it." You said looking over and his side of the room.

"It's weird seeing you be all soft and nice" He said chuckling lightly before coughing.

"Hey! Come on I'm nice all the time!" You said laughing "I'll be back in a few minutes okay?" You said standing up and walking towards the door. "Okay sis.." was all you heard before the door closed behind you, you smiled softly and walked down the hall towards Commander Iverson's office. You knocked on the door and heard a deep come in signaling it was okay to enter.

"Good morning Commander" You said walking into his office.

"Ah Cadet (L/N) good morning. What can I help you with?" He said looking up from his paper work. You stood up straight, something that Shiro told you to do in the presence of a higher up. You were already in the Commanders good books since you were the strongest female cadet they had, it was also a privilege to be friends with Shiro as he helped you train to get where you are now. So, this shouldn't be a problem.

"I came to tell you that I'll be taking today's training off. Cadet Keith Kogane has fallen sick and I've offered to take care of him and help him get back to his original state, I'd gladly train on the weekend to make up for lost time sir" You stated calmly. You watched his expression change slightly.

"Is that all?" He asked

"Yes sir" You said

"Alright I'll allow it, you'll be training all day on Saturday as today's training will be more than one class." He stated going back to his paper work.

"Thank you sir" You said leaving his office

"And (Y/N)?" He said before the door shut

"Yes sir?" You questioned tilting your head to the side

"Shiro's doing just fine. We got a call from him last night. And he told me to tell you." He said looking at you with a slight smile on his face. You looked at him shocked. He's ever smiled before.

"Thank you for telling me sir" You said nodding your head towards him and smiling back.

"That is all" He said. You closed the door and took a deep breath. 'He's okay' you thought. You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes and smiled chuckling to yourself. 'Thank you for letting me know Shiro'. You pushed off the wall and walked to the cafeteria to grab some food for you and Keith.

*Small time skip*

You walked back into Keith's room. You looked over at him and he was asleep. You shook your head lightly and smiled. You walked over to his dresser and set his food down next to his clock. After you had gotten food for the both of you, you went back to your room and gotten changed into some comfortable lounging clothes. You had also grabbed a book to read knowing Keith would be sleeping most of the time, but you still wanted to be there for when he woke up to get anything if he needed it. Keith's room had a window seat, so you sat there and looked out. There was nothing really interesting out there apart from sand and maybe just maybe some grass. But somehow you found it beautiful. Tonight, you were going to go up to the roof and look at the stars. If Keith wanted to come you had to make sure he'd be warm, so you would bring your blankets. You heard a quiet groan and shuffling so you turned your head to see Keith waking up.

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