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A/N Ok guys! There is a small lemon in this chapter! Oral sex! Please don't read if you find this offensive! Thank ya! Also, I do want to apologize for being slow on the updating, I've been going through a lot of stuff lately and been sick off and on. I'll do better in the future I promise!


I open my eyes. I am immediately nauseous and disoriented. The last thing I recall was walking away with that kind gentleman. "Shit!" I curse. Of fucking course I would get kidnapped on only my second day in Korea. This is a whole new low.

I'm kicking myself pretty hard, after all, I should have known better than to trust anyone. I'm kicking myself so hard, in fact, that I almost don't notice the man laying on the couch across from me. Looking down I realize that I am bound by rope to a fold-up chair. It isn't hard to put two and two together.

"Excuse me!" I shout. Honestly, I couldn't care less if I piss him off by waking him. I'm really not afraid of dying, and pain is an old friend of mine. What could he do to me that hadn't been done before?



"What the fuck are you shouting about, bitch?" he growls as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. His glare gives way to a leer as he crudely looks me up and down.

This is the same man who had offered to help me with my grocery shopping, and he does not look quite so kindly now. He walks up to me and grabs my chin, admiring my face roughly.

"It's a shame. If you weren't going to fetch me such a good price I might even play with you myself." He studies my face with a critical eye. His intense gaze becomes even sicker as he contemplates.

"But honestly, who would know?"

He leans into my face then, intentions clearly etched upon his own face. I spit in his face, causing him to peddle back cursing all the way. The beating that he gives me in retaliation is nothing. This man is nothing; I've been hurt far worse before.

I laugh, teeth coated red with my own blood, as he asks me if I am ready to behave.

This time when I spit in his face there is blood too.

"You don't fucking scare me, bitch, so keep yapping." I tell him coldly.

My face is covered in my own blood, but my eyes are steeled with absolute hatred and determination. I won't give this man the satisfaction of cowering.


Meanwhile, the boys are in a state of panic as they search the streets of the shopping district for Emelia. They are sure she must have come here and have decided to split up. Two groups of two, and one group of three. The first team consists of Yoongi and Hoseok, the second is Jin and Taehyung, and the third is Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook. The boys have barely even split into their respective groups before Yoongi is dashing away, frantic to find her, with a worried Hoseok right on his tail.

Yoongi appears ready to murder but, in truth, his gut is roiling. He just knows that something bad is happening to her. He swears to any and all Gods that he finds Emmy in one piece, or else he's going to kill someone. She is someone who would be considered quite exotic here in Korea, and sick shit still goes down in this country. His brain takes him through a plethora of frightening and soul-crushing possibilities. Everything from rape, to kidnapping, to murder. Hell, he even thinks about the human trafficking market: that's how scared he is.

If someone is hurting her...

It's all Yoongi can think about and it's driving him crazy. The thought alone makes him want to rip someone's throat out.

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