All Counselors! x Reader PT 12

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catch me crying in ze clooooob

David's POV

I haven't heard from Y/N since our... little disagreement. She was talking to someone yesterday but I just thought it was one of her friends. She didn't come out for dinner either. This started to worry me but I thought it was because she didn't want to see me. I went to my room after dinner and laid down in my bed. Tears started filling up my eyes as I turned over to the wall. I heard the door open, so I quickly wiped away my loose tears. The person walked over to my bed and sat down.
"She doesn't mean it, Davey" I turned to see Jasper with a soft smile on his face. I jumped up and hugged him tightly. It was sudden at first but he put his arms around me too.
"It's ok, everything is going to be ok" he whispered softly into my ear. Somehow that made me very sleepy. I put my head into his chest and started drifting off slowly....

Timeskip to morning- WHATS GONNA HAPPEN

I woke up suddenly to see Jasper beneath me ;;;))) Guess we both fell asleep. I tried to get off of him slowly, not to wake him up. It didn't work, he opened his eyes slowly.
"Did I wake you up?" I asked him getting off of him.
"Yeah but I don't mind" a tint of pink went across his face. I walked over to the door, only remembering what happened yesterday. I felt like crying again, but I felt a hand on my back.
"It's ok, she will be fine this morning" Jasper smiled at me, as I opened the door. None of the others counselors were awake as I heard snoring coming from Gwen and Jen's room and Daniel's room. I tiptoed down the hallway, stopping at Y/N's. I heard a faint humming coming from inside. I was about to go in, but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
"Not yet, wait till everyone's awake" I looked at him in surprise. I would of thought he'd be eager to get in, but he did have a point. I nodded slightly and walked on.


How is it already morning!? The "person" who was in my body was just sitting on the floor. Waiting... I heard a bit of shuffling outside my door. I hoped it was David or Jasper or ANYONE! I saw the doorknob turn a bit, but stopped and didn't move again.
Jason was just standing there, watching every movement in my room. I just wanted David to comfort me....

David's POV

I checked my watch for the time - 11 -, seems like a reasonable time. I checked around to see if everyone was awake. It looked like everyone was, the only person who was awake that was not out of their room was Y/N...

Daniel, Jen, and Gwen left to go do something, leaving me and Jasper in the house with Y/N in her room. I finally had enough courage to go into her room. Jasper stood behind me, encouraging me. I reached her door and heard the faint humming again. It was the exact same? I brushed it and knocked on the wooden door.
"Y/N?" No response back. "You in there?" I said, after the last time... "I'm coming in with Jasper ok?" I heard something crack.
"Come" I heard a voice call back. A voice that sounded like Y/N's but a bit of creepy tone to it. I opened the door to find Y/N sitting on the floor, in a white attire. Same clothes she always wears, but white? Her hair was bLEACHED! Her normal H/C was gone! She had a pair of black headphones on her. "She" was still humming her F/S. Her eyes shot up at me. Her pupils were covering most of her eyes. Standing next to her was... JASON!? Daniel and Jen warned us about him, telling us he was Jasper's cult opposite but even worse. I felt anger fill up my whole body. I saw Jasper's skin go pale.
"Why hello David" Jason had an evil smile on him.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" I demanded an answer.
"Well, your young girl here was feeling down so I cheered her up. She wanted her problems to fly away... an innocent little girl" he put his hand on her shoulder. "So foolish"
"Y/N DIDNT DESERVE THIS!!" I shouted at him. I felt like punching him in the face.
"Her name isn't Y/N anymore... it's Y/C/N. (Your cult name) She's apart of us now" he turned around to the window. "The only to save her is her to be around everyone she loves... the music controls her now. Once an instrumental piece comes on... you're screwed" he shot his eyes back to us.

"And tell Daniel and Jen, this is what they deserve"

Word Count:826

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