Lauren leaves to go do Lauren things and it is sad.

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It's raining when she leaves, and Camila finds it fitting for a moment like this. They are standing next to the car Lauren is supposed to take to the airport. Water droplets hit Camila's face and mingle with the salty tears that are already streaming down her cheeks.

Lauren's eyes are watery too. She has her fingers curled around Camila's arms and is standing there staring at her. Its like she's trying to memorize every detail of Camila, from her warm brown eyes to her soft pink lips.

Camila lets out a breathy, devastated sigh. "I don't know how to do this without you."

Lauren's eyes soften and she pulls Camila into her arms. "You won't have to," She says. "I'll be just a phone call away. We can Skype every day if you want to."

"You and I both know there's nowhere near enough time in either of our schedules to make that happen," Camila mumbles into Lauren's neck.

"I love you," Lauren says. It's a promise, something for Camila to hold on to, and maybe Lauren says it because she needs to hear Camila promise it back.

"I love you too," Camila says.

Camren Drabbles/Unfinished ProjectsWhere stories live. Discover now