"What the hell..." one of them said.
"What are you doing?!" the other yelled.
Kagome gasped in horror. "I can't tell who's who!"
Inuyasha blinked. "This is disturbing."

Sesshomaru frowned. 'How am I unable to identify my Lyra? Is that how easy it was for Lyra to be manipulated by him?' Looking at them closely, even the small mannerisms, everything was a carbon copy. Both the Lyras then turned to him.

"I'm the real Lyra, Sesshomaru!"
"No! I am!"
One of them then turned to the other with anger. "Don't you even dare, you freak."
"I'm not the freak. You are!"
"Enough," Sesshomaru spoke with irritation in his voice.

His eyes suddenly turned red as the wind picked up again. Inuyasha knew what was about to happen and got everyone to move back, including Rin and Jaken. His face changed as a muzzle formed, the lined marking on his face turning to a V-shape around the cornered of his mouth. His form zapped up like a beam, darting in all different directions before crashing to the ground. Debris and dust flew everywhere but soon settled. Right before their very eyes, Sesshomaru had transformed into a giant dog.

The true Lyra's eyes widened. She had never seen his true demon form before and it was amazing. The Shapeshifter Lyra's expression also mimicked hers but for a different reason. He wasn't expecting for Sesshomaru to change. They were like fleas compared to his size as they had to crane their necks just to look at him. His eyes had become red with blue irises, and the marks on his body had widened and became more apparent. The stripes on his cheeks had become jagged and changed into a fiercer colour, and his mokomoko wrapped around his body and extended into his tail. The arm Inuyasha had cut off was missing even in that form. Lyra thought it a shame that she couldn't truly appreciate his true form for the time being but they had more pressing matters at hand.

Sesshomaru let out a deep and loud roar, causing everyone to cover their ears as he stepped on the hut, completely destroying it. The true Lyra looked up at him again as he looked back at the two identical Lyras.

"I know what will make you believe me," one of them said before shouting, "Sesshomaru! I love you!"
The other cringed before smirking. "You're wrong." Turning to Sesshomaru again, she yelled. "I love you, Sesshy!"
The Shapeshifter Lyra scowled and looked at her. "What?!"

Sesshomaru knew who the real Lyra was. Instantly, he lowered his head and grabbed the Shapeshifter in his jaws. The Shapeshifter Lyra screamed and tried to open his mouth as half his body was sticking out.

"Let go of me, you dog!"

Even though the Shapeshifter was strong, he wasn't as strong as Sesshomaru's brute strength in his true form. He was ready to completely crush him but that would have done nothing.

Kagome ran over to Lyra and pulled her back, away from Sesshomaru's form. They needed to figure out a way to completely kill the Shapeshifter.

"Are you okay, Lyra?" Kagome asked.
She lowered herself to her knees, not realising how exhausted she was. "I'm fine," she said before catching her breath. "We need to figure out how to kill him. Sesshomaru can't hold him forever!"
Everyone turned to Miroku. "I don't know. But there have been tales and lores that they must be brought back to their true form."
"True form?" Inuyasha asked.
"Yes. Only then can Shapeshifters be killed. They choose not to stay in their true form since that is when they are at their weakest."
"But how do we do that?" Lyra asked him.
Jaken suddenly screamed. "Ahh! That pest is transforming again!"

Everyone turned to see that he had reverted back to the form of Itachi. Even then Sesshomaru was unable to kill him. That meant it wasn't his true form.

"Lyra," Kagome called. "Can't you use your powers somehow? See the answer or something?"
Lyra nodded. "I'll try."

She could hear Sesshomaru's growls as he forced the Shapeshifter to stay in his grasp. Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate on a way to end the Shapeshifter.

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