Chapter 5

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I woke to a tapping on my window.

The fuck?

I rolled over and narrowed my eyes at the window, not able to see anything through the darkness.

I sighed and sank back into bed.

Tap Tap Tap

I growled and threw the blankets off of me as I stood from my bed and went to turn the light on.

When I flipped the switch, the lightbulb flickered and went out.

Okaaaay then. That happened. I went over to an outlet and put in my nightlight that casts stars around the room.

Yes, I'm seventeen and have a nightlight. Fight me.

I walked to my window and removed the latch allowing it to open.

When the window opened, I stared at the person that sat there for.. well I lost track of time.

They appeared to be male with.. purple hair? They were wearing a dark blue sweatshirt with torn up jeans.

I continued to examine them as they did me. Before I knew it, they fell through the window, causing both of us to hit the floor.

I grunted, closing my eyes to rub the back of my head. When I opened them again, I felt my breath catch in my throat

The person was hovering over me, both their hand on either side of my head.

I scrambled back against the wall, hitting my head again in the process.

I stared at the person. The longer I stared the more I realized they had to be male. They were about as tall as Tyler, if not taller.

"Who're you?" I asked cautiously, not wanting him to randomly lash out at me.

He continued to stare at me curiously, before speaking with a faint Russian accent.


"Okay Alex, could you please explain why you were outside my window and why you are now in my room."

Alex looked around my room, noticing the glowing the stars and planets. Something flashed within his eyes that I didn't quite catch, but I assumed it was pain after he spoke.


I moved my head off the wall, grimacing at the pain it caused. I shut my eyes tight, trying to wish away the terrible ache on the back of my head.

I hadn't even noticed when Alex placed his hand on the back of my head causing the pain to cease.

I looked up at him, feeling my face heat up before standing up and turning away.

"Embarrassed." I tensed at his voice before turning to face him.

"Where are you from?" I asked, but immediately regretted it as the room became heavy with tension.

"Not important."

"Well I think I have a right to know since you're the stranger in my room." I stated, crossing my arms.

He started to stare at the planets hanging along my room and the flash from before appeared in his eyes again.


I definitely saw it this time. But why would he.. I looked at the planet he was staring at, narrowing my eyes.

No way.

I shook my head. Nope. I'm going crazy. I hit my head too many times tonight and I'm tired. That's it.

"Space." Ah damn.

I sank back down to sit on the floor, rubbing at my temples.

"So let me get this straight. Are you an alien or something?" I asked, shifting my eyes to look at him.

He had that confuse look on his face again. "Alien?"

Well that helps.

"Yes, alien. It's like a creature that lives in space, beyond our atmosphere."

He seemed to consider what I was saying and eventually he nodded, causing me to groan.

Instead of me going to find an alien, an alien found me.

What the actual fuck.

"I picked up on your emotions and was drawn here. Sad, confused, stressed, intrigued, and.." he paused to study me before continuing "in something called 'love'"

I felt heat rush to my face again. He could read emotions? Was that an alien thing? How do I know he isnt just messing with me?

"Embarrassed. Confused."

I jumped out of my thoughts to stare at him.

"Uhh.. your hair.. is that it's natural color?" I asked, gesturing toward his wavy, purple hair.

He nodded. "All of my race has this color." He paused to stare at my hair. "That is not your natural hair." He said, pointing out my dark hair.

How did he know that? My natural hair color is a chestnut brown but it's been its current color ever since I was eight years old.

I looked at the alarm clock on my side table.


So much for sleep.

I stood from the floor, walking to my door. "Stay here, don't leave no matter what. I'll be back in.. seven minutes." I didn't wait for an answer as I made my way to my mother's room.

I didn't bother knocking, just quietly pushed the door open.

I walked over to her bed, not really knowing how to wake her. So I did the best thing I could and poked her until she woke up.


"Ah yeah, sorry about waking you up, but could I stay home from school? I don't have a test or anything."

She paused for a moment before nodding, "I guess, but you have to deal with Thea's arguing."

I sighed in relief and nodded, not like she could see. I quickly made my way back to my room before stopping in the doorway.

Alex was passed out on my bed, like he hadn't slept in weeks.

I grabbed a blanket from my closet and curled up on the beanbag chair that was in the farthest corner of my room.

I pulled out my phone, not bothering to plug it up as I scrolled through the stupid Buzzfeed articles, willing myself to fall asleep.

When I finally drifted off to sleep, I felt like there was a presence within my dream.

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