Chapter 1

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"Happy Birthday Gare Bear!"

Ah yes, the seventeenth of January. I grimaced as I buried my face in one of the pillows on my bed. 

 A great way to start the day: have your fourteen year old sister remind you of your dreadful seventeenth birthday.

I rolled over causing myself to fall out of bed. I cursed under my breath while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As I stood, my sister ran into my room and practically attacked me with a bear hug, causing me to fall over again. 

"Come on! Mom made a special breakfast for you and we still have to catch the bus!" Thea, exclaimed. I couldn't help but see myself at her age. I used to act just like her, overly happy and friendly,oblivious to everything. 

But now, I secured myself from anyone that wasn't Thea or my mother. I would love to go back to the days where I was happy, back in England.

Thea got off me and held out a hand. As soon as I was up, Thea gripped my hand and quite literally dragged me down the hallway to the kitchen where my mom was, forcing me to sit at the table.

"Happy Birthday honey" My mother said as she set down a plate of pancakes with candles on top. She kissed my forehead and ruffled my dark, already messed up hair. When she went back into the kitchen, Thea blew out the candles and smiled goofily at me. I stuck my tongue out at her before biting into the pancakes. I smiled to myself and quickly finished breakfast before heading back to my room to get ready for hell on earth.

I quickly threw on a maroon hoodie and grey skinny jeans before grabbing my back pack and deciding at the last minute to put a beanie on.

"Thanks for the breakfast, mom." I smiled, giving a small wave before walking out the door with Thea following behind.

"If anyone tries to mess with you today, I might have to fight someone." Thea grumbled, causing me to laugh.

"You wouldn't be able to even if you tried." I sighed, sitting on the bench at the bus stop with Thea doing the same. 

"Hmm, you're right, but I can still get you out of the situation." Well, at least she's trying to make me feel better.

"Thea, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm used to it. Doesn't bother me anymore." I whispered the last part. As sad as it sounds, it's true. I've become immune to the constant bullying. Whenever it happens, I usually just reply with sarcastic comments or just walk away. Of course, being sarcastic sometimes lead to me getting beat up.

Thea frowned and hopped up when the bus rounded the corner. We climbed on and took our usual seats, Thea with one of her friends and mine the third seat on the left from the back. 

We were usually on the bus for two minutes until we arrived to school. I would rather walk every day but it's not 'safe' according to mom so I went along with it. 

I got off the bus, avoiding any type of eye contact as I walked to my locker. I put in my locker combination after looking back and forth in the hall to make sure I wouldn't get jumped. I swiftly grabbed my first period binder, which unfortunately was Algebra 2. I slammed the locker door and went to hide in the bathroom while I waited for the first bell to ring.

About ten minutes later I walked to class and sat in my seat, which if your couldn't guess, is in the back corner. I had about fifteen more minutes until class actually began so I pulled out one of my many books and started reading. 

Less than three minutes later, the bane of my existence, Tyler Adkins, slammed his hand down on my desk.

"Sup, birthday fag" He sneered in my face.

I raised a brow at him, not amused nor hurt at his comment. He's not the best at coming up with new insults, which is part of why I'm so used to his bullying by now.

"Look Tyler, being a dick won't make yours any bigger." I said dully as I pushed his face away from mine.

"You little.." He growled low in his throat, fists opening and closing, eye twitching ever so slightly.

"Adkins! In your seat!" The teacher, Mrs. Lee, said sternly. 

Tyler glared at me, running his finger across his neck in a slicing motion, before going to his seat. He continued to glare at me through the remainder of class. When the bell rang, I ran out of the room to get to second period, which was History.

I was so dead later.

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