Chapter 4

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I was taking notes in science when I realized I completely used all of my paper.

I tapped my finger on the desk thinking of what to do when I remember the piece of paper in my pocket.

I pulled out the crumbled up paper and opened it up, to find a note written in red ink.

"Meet me at the soccer field tomorrow after school." Signed by anonymous?

Okaaay don't know what that's about. But I did know that is still didn't have paper so I just memorized the rest of the notes until class was over.

Seventh period went by fast and before I knew it, I was on the bus heading home.

I was sitting on the bus with my earbuds in when Thea sat next to me.

"What are you doing? Don't you have friends or something?" I asked pushing her shoulder.

"I do, but you don't. You shouldn't be hiding by yourself on your birthday."

"So are you going to hide with me?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up. I forgot it doesn't take us long to get off the bus.

I hurried inside to avoid the freezing cold with Thea trailing behind me. The door slammed close and I could tell mom wasn't home from work yet.

I set my backpack on the ground before falling into the couch and staring ahead.

"Do you want to call pizza or something?" Thea called from the kitchen.

I groaned in response in which she sighed and ordered the pizza. I grabbed the remote, switching the television on and flipping through the channels.

I don't really watch television unless is something like Doctor Who or Star Trek. I mainly only watch science fiction and supernatural shows.

Thea came in and sat on the recliner beside the couch and was doing something on her phone.

I only use my phone in case of emergency. I have no social media besides Tumblr and YouTube so there really isn't a point, and I use my laptop for that.

"Tyler bother you today?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course. Just not as bad"

"You should really get something done about it," Thea frowned before continuing "You could just get home schooled or something."

"With what parent?"

"True." She shrugged

I suddenly remembered the note, pulling it out of my pocket before handing it to Thea "Do you or your minions have something to do with this?"

She looked at the note, reading it over before handing it back to me "No idea. The handwriting looks like something from my third grade diary."

"..You had a diary?"

"Not important. But I'm not letting you go by yourself." I rolled my eyes. So much for being the older sibling.

"Whatever" I said as there was a knock at the door. Thea hopped out of her seat and went to the door. I heard the door open and a long silence follow.

"Uh Thea, who's at the door?" I call out to her, standing from the couch and growing tense.

No response.

I walked to the door and saw Thea glaring daggers at Tyler, who looked up from her and at me when I stepped in.

"What the fuck" I sneered, pulling Thea away from him, in which she responded by standing between us.

"Oi, call off your little guard dog here."

Thea barked at him before flipping him off and walking into the living area.

"How the hell do you know where I live?" I narrowed my eyes.

Tyler waved his hand "Not important, but I want you to know tha--"

"What." I snapped.

"Nothing.. see you tomorrow or whatever."

I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I walked into the living area where Thea was watching.

"What was that about?" She asked.

I shrugged and headed to my room. "Hell if I know"

"Are you going to eat?"

"Lost my appetite." I said as I walked in my room and closed the door.

I fell backwards onto my bed, staring up at the glowing stars around my room.

I drifted off to sleep with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Something was about to happen.

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