Chapter 2

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I walked along the hallway swiftly as I went to History.

Fun fact about Tyler, he is in every single one of my classes. Even my electives.

Weird right?

People say he changed his schedule ever since I moved here. Why? I don't know.

It's honestly quite hilarious seeing a douche like him in a Drama class. One time we were doing a scene from "Mid Summer Night's Dream" and he mispronounced Puck's name as fuck, resulting in him getting sent to the principal's office.

I walked into my history class, taking my usual seat, which you guessed it! Is in the corner.

The teacher for this class was Mr. Ashworth, which people mistake for my father considering our last names were the same. That and how well he and I get along.

My father actually died of cancer two years ago. My mother had to get two jobs. I started taking care of dogs since I'm terrible with children. Why would you want a creature like that? All they do is scream and yell about Pokémon. Also, have you heard their language these days? The other day I heard a kindergartener on the bus say things that could put a sailor to shame.

"Hey Garrett! Heard it was your birthday." Mr. Ashworth smiled at me as I got my textbook out.

"Ah, yeah.. who told you?" I asked, confused at how he knew it was my birthday.

Mr. Ashworth waved his hand dismissively and grinned. "Doesn't matter. How's your day so far?"

Well.. other than me getting my ass beat later, great! I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pencil. "Uh, good I guess."

Mr. Ashworth continued to grin. Sometimes I wondered if he ever got upset because he always had some kind of happy expression on his face. "Glad to hear it." He said as the bell rang and Tyler walked in right on time, instantly glaring at me.

I shrunk back in my seat, looking down at my notebook waiting to take notes for today's lesson.

However, Mr. Ashworth announced that we were to do a group project. I mentally cursed and put my hands into my palms. I already knew what was going to happen, Tyler and his "friends" were going to come and group with me, and have me do all the work.

"Hey fag" And I was correct. I looked up to see that Tyler and his two friends had occupied the desk around mine. I think the guy that looked like an actual stick with a mohawk's name was Jeremy or something, but I liked to call him Thing 1. The other guy I believe was named David. He was a bit heavier than Thing 1 and looked like fourteen year old Justin Bieber, but bigger. I call him Thing 2. Tyler was like that Cat in the Hat with his short black hair and strange sea green eyes.

"Let me guess. You want me to be in your group just so I can do all the work?" I ask, letting the sarcasm ooze through my voice.

A smirk formed and Tyler's lips "You're starting to get the hang of this, nerd." He flicked my forehead, making me grimace.

When the bell rang for third period I had half of the project done already. I packed my things and was about to walk out the door before Tyler stopped me.

I scoweled and glared up at him. "The hell do you want now."

"Hey, watch it shorty." He growled, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. Short? I'm not short, he's just freakishly tall at the height of 6'4. "Meet me at my table during lunch" He said as he pushed by me to get out the door. I rolled my eyes and followed after him, since we have the same classes anyway.

"What is this about?" I asked as I  caught up to him.


Uhh I call bullcrap on that, but didn't say anything as we walked to English.

"I'm totally about to fail this test" He muttered to himself.


"Uhh yeah. The thing we filled out yesterday was apparently a study guide" Ah fuck. I don't even know what the topic is. English is probably my lowest grade despite it being the easiest according to everyone else.

We walked in the room right when the bell rang, I took my usual seat and for some reason Tyler sat in front of me as the teacher passed out the test.

Can I drop out yet?

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