Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I actually had a plan. The plan was to get out of the palace, ditch the security and Taylor and find the Starlet Cable News and give them an exclusive. Telling them the whole truth. Since Alex had made those revelations to the media, I had felt somewhat free. Free to be me, free to be Tania Gregory. I had this need for everyone to know my story. I wasn't looking for sympathy nor empathy. I was ready to suffer the consequences of my actions. I only hoped Taylor and Ovian will not suffer with me.

So when I felt I had cried enough, I told Percy to take me to a park. Somewhere I could stay and supposedly think. As soon as we got to the park, the security team parked discreetly and they all did their jobs like I expected them to.

Taylor and I walked quietly into the park, each with her own thought. Just as I expected, I notice a block of toilets and told Taylor I needed to use one of them.

She looked at me and then nodded, telling me she would be waiting for me outside the door. Immediately I entered the place, I opened one of the stall doors and notice the small window. Great! I thought. I was wearing a bulky jacket that hid my small bag. Inside, I had hidden a brunette coloured wig, a black blazer and reading glasses.

Quickly, I washed my face, wiped off the water with a small tissue. I packed my hair into a tight bun, then wore the wig. I put on some lip gloss, and the glasses. I tucked my shirt into my jeans and held it with a belt. Then I wore the blazer. And immediately I was transformed into a serious looking, nerdy, and unfashionable office clerk.

I left everything on the toilet counter and took the small bag. I went back into the stall and opened the window. It opened into another wide space. I scanned the area for any sign of the security boys, when I didn't see any, I threw the bag over first and climbed out.

After landing on my feet, I listened again before picking up my bag and walking briskly away from the building. Soon, I was at the main road, hailing a cab. Immediately I got in, I breathed a sigh of relief. But I knew my escape wasn't a success yet. Not until I have finished telling my side of the story.

As soon as the cab stopped in front of the large media house, my nervousness increased. They would have found out by now that I have escaped and knowing Ovian he would be looking for me desperately. But I have resolved to do this. He was King now, he had a reputation to uphold. Moreover, I wanted to tell the truth once and for all.

I walked through the revolving doors, into the big building. My knees felt wobbly but I trudged on. I got to the bank of elevators and asked the security man there where the news outlet was. He asked me to step into the elevator and then pressed 35 on the side.

I thanked him as the doors closed and it started to ascend. I checked myself in the mirrors behind me and adjusted my jacket and glasses.

The elevator doors opened to a busy large office space which contained men and women going up and down. I stopped someone and asked for Miss Blanchet. She had been the one who interviewed me during the launch of my foundation.

I was directed to a block of cubicles. One of them was labelled 'Miss Blanchet, News Anchor.' I knocked on the door and heard 'come in'.

Here goes, I thought as I pushed open the door. Behind a small desk, sat the lady I was looking for. She looked up and asked, Hi, may I help you?

I stepped into the small office and closed the door behind me. I turned around and took off my wig and glasses. My hair came tumbling down around my face and suddenly, she shrieked.

"Your Grace!"

I placed my finger on my mouth to tell her to be quiet. "Is it possible to do a private interview without anyone knowing?"

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