Chapter Eight

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Hi everyone! I sincerely hope you are enjoying the story so far! I don't really know what I'm writing I just know I am spinning something! Anyways, please vote and comment so I know it's all not for nothing. Thanks! ❤

This chapter is dedicated to @colorsofleaving

I woke up feeling well rested and refreshed. Maybe it was the bed or the aspirin, whatever was the case, I am feeling very well and also very hungry. Then, I remembered Taylor saying something about dinner. Wait does this mean, I have to dress up fancy for dinner? I groaned. I reached for my phone, courtesy of Ovian and found only one message which was from him. 'We will be making our first appearance together in public tomorrow evening, please be ready by 5pm.' I groaned again. I am getting more than I bargained for!

I remembered what Taylor had said about me falling in love with Ovian. It wasn't impossible but it highly unlikely. Ovian is a man who's used to getting what he wants and apparently does not mind stepping on toes to do so. He is very attractive and the Prince but that's all there is. Many women would swoon over those attributes but not me. I have a goal here and if this is what it takes to achieve them, then I'm game.

Getting up from the bed, I decided right there that as long as I'm going to be in this house, I'm going to wear whatever I want. So I went to my wardrobe and picked out a baby pink chiffon top with a few ruffles around the neckline and sleeves. I paired it with a white boyfriend jeans. I added my old pinkish nude platforms. Lastly, I brushed my hair and added a little pink coloured lip gloss. I reached for my phone and head out the door.

As I approach the dinning hall, I hear a few voices. I hesitate. I don't think I had any visitors, at least Jasper would have told me. So maybe it was one of the staff. I take a deep breath and walk into the hall. At once, I am greeted by a tall handsome man. He looked like an aristocrat. He is wearing a black suit complete with a bow tie. His hair is jet black; darker than Ovian's.

"My Lady Hawthorne!" He exclaims as he bows deeply. "This is a pleasure! Since I moved to this area, I never thought the Hawthorne mansion would ever be occupied again."

Then Jasper spoke up, "My lady, this is Lord Lucas Fairweather. He is your neighbour to the west. He occupies the Fairweather Estate."

"Lord Fairweather, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, my lady. But please, call me Lucas."

"Only if you will call me Tania."

"Tania? I thought your name was Charlotte?"

I wasn't flustered. I had anticipated this and I have the perfect response ready. "Charlotte is my middle name, which my father preferred calling me but after his death, I took on my first name, Tania. Charlotte is too much of a reminder of the pain of my father's death."

"I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel. I am so sorry for your loss. And I am mostly glad that you are well and alive."

"Why Lucas? Many think I am dead or rotting somewhere." I joked as I took a seat at the dinning table, which was covered in the most sumptuous looking arrangement I've ever seen in my life. I smiled, knowing that it was going to be difficult for Taylor to pretend when she sees all of these.

Lucas took the seat opposite me. "I fear that was the general consensus. But now everyone will see that you are alive and well. And suitors will come calling soon." He smiled.

I smiled back and reached for some of the mashed potatoes, and put them onto my plate. I knew Lucas was fake; his smile, his choice of words, his clothes were all fashioned to butter me up. I was smiling because I had grown up keeping leeches like him away, most of my life.

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