Chapter Twenty-nine

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Day three came upon me with my heart beating wildly against my chest. I hadn't slept early or well. The King's doctors said the king had a few weeks or days to live. He had had a severe heart attack and it was only a matter of time before he died. Ovian had been so distraught, I had to sit with him until almost the early hours of the morning. Then when I managed to catch some sleep, I found Alex in my dreams dragging a doll with me.

I shuddered as I remember the dream. Today is the third day and she hasn't sent the details. Oh well, its still early.

As I drag myself out of bed, I wondered where Ovian was. He hadn't slept in the bed with me. I put on my robe and went to look for him and found him spread out on the chair. I looked at him for a moment, feeling sorry for him. I went to his side and crawled into the narrow couch. I felt him stir. I knew he was surprised but he moved further into the chair to give me space and pulled me close.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my hand lost inside his shirt.

"I am now." He said and groaned at my touch. "What are you doing?"

"Comforting you?" I smiled sweetly. "Should I stop?"

"No, God no. I love to be comforted." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. And we both slept off like that.

The clearing of a throat was what woke us up. To be more precise, the clearing of Lahran's throat. Because of the cramped space that we had made our bed, our bodies had become sore. We slowly disengaged and got up. I left them there to go to the bathroom.

When I got out, I found that my phone was blinking telling me I had either missed a call or I had a text message. I quickly went to it and found out that Alex had sent the address of where and when I was to meet her and give her the money while she gives me the proof she has. I texted back that I had the money and will bring it at the time she had stipulated. I sighed and left my phone to find something to wear from the closet.

Seconds later, I heard my name.

"Tania!" I ran out of the closet, afraid that something had happened again. I found Ovian waving my phone at me. "What is this?" He asked showing me Alex's message.

I was numb.

"Who are you giving money to? Answer me Tania."

"I wasn't supposed to tell you... I was afraid..." I was saying incoherently.

"What were you not supposed to tell me? Tania talk to me. Is somebody threatening you?"

I nodded.

"Somebody from your past?"

I look into his eyes, "Somebody from your past."

"Who? Nobody knows... Alex?"

I nodded again.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouted.

"She said she would release the proofs she has to the press. I couldn't risk it. I just had to do something. She came at me during the launch and said I had taken you away from her and that she wants twenty million dollars to leave us alone."

A string of expletives flowed from his mouth. His whole body was reverbrating with anger. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before. "So you were going to give her twenty million dollars?!"

"She has proof!"

"She has no proof! She was playing you!" He raked his fingers through his hair. "I can't believe this."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I buried your past Tania. Except for your first name, I made sure nothing from your past is out there for anyone to find."

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