Chapter Thirty-five

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It's the eve of Lahran's coronation and the whole kingdom was buzzing with activity. Lahran was throwing a party tonight to mark his last day as a prince. Typical.

We barely speak to each other. Personally, I can't stand him. He is selfish, evil and sick. And apart from the fact that he is a murderer, he isn't fit to be king. But since there was nothing we can do to change that, I and Ovian have come to terms with it and that's why we are going to his stupid party and possibly grovel. Aside my cause, Ovian also has a lot to lose when Lahran becomes king. The malicious fool could make things difficult for him. I thought.

I walked out of my closet and stand in front of my mirror in a thong and strapless bra, rubbing my stomach. Lately, I realised that I have been feeling melancholic. Ovian and Taylor had done their best trying to convince me that nothing was wrong with me and that I should be patient.

It was easy for them to say. They are not the ones wearing my shoes. So I've decided to see a gynecologist immediately after Lahran's coronation. I want to be certain nothing is wrong with me. I thought.

I walked to my bed and picked up my dress. It was a short navy blue bandage dress. It was snug and I liked it. I paired it with a new pair of nude shoes I just got and matching purse.

I was styling my hair in front of the mirror when Ovian walked into the room wearing a navy blue suit. His attire complimented my dress.

"You look beautiful as always." He smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.

"Thank you." I said smiling back. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Hmmm." He grunted and I laughed. "I wished we were looking this good to go somewhere else." He grimaced.

"I know right? But we have to if we want him to leave us alone." I finished my hair and came to stand in front of him. "It's just one night, moreover, we will be together."

He slipped his hands around my waist. "Yes, as long as I have you by my side, it will be bearable." He kissed my forehead. "Ready?"

I nodded and link my arm with his, as he led us out of the room.

The party was in full swing by the time we got there. Lahran was using one of the halls on the palace grounds for his party. There was food, music and a lot of drinking. Anyone who was anyone in the Republic was there. They have all come to witness Lahran on his last day as prince. And of course, try to get on his good side before he becomes king.

We were greeted by many nobles and their wives. That was how I was introduced to the Nobles' Wives' Club. I never knew the wives of these nobles had a sort of club. It was a secret club and I was just finding out about it tonight. Apparently, my advocacy for female literacy and marital choice, has qaulified me for entry.

"Princess Tania, we would be honoured to have you among us. In the past, one of our predecessors had approached the Queen but she had declined. She felt we were too low for her highness." One of women said before she took a sip of her wine.

"Really?" I laughed nervously.  

Another spoke up. "Well, maybe we could try again, now that her son is going to be king."

"Oh no! I greatly advice against that!" Another exclaimed vehemently.

We all looked at her. "Why not?" I asked her because personally, I would prefer they had the Queen's ears than not.

"She's a cheat! She cheated on the king!" I gasped along with the women in our circle. This woman was playing with fire. Even if you knew such a thing, you didn't tell it to the whole world. Who knew who was listening?

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