Ichida Shouya (Koe no Katachi)

Start from the beginning

You thought for a second, waging whether you should play the role of a meanie or not. Finally you decided that there was not much to do anyways.

"What you did with them to the girl wasn't nice either," you said, making his face flash red with shame. "But you seem to be taking the punishment for what you all did. Everyone should shoulder their own blame. Good bye."

You turned around and started walking back towards your home. Mum was probably waiting already. You wondered what she had madr for dinner. Maybe there were pancakes again. The  you remembered the lonely kid you had left there. You were going to ask mum if he could come by tomorrow. That way he wouldn't feel so lonely.

The next day you kept a little closer eye on the class, on everything they said and did. Right until the end of the day. Then when a group of boys were surrounding your new acquaintance, you stepped in, face stoic.

"Sorry," you said, making the bullies step out of your way. "Sorry again."

"Who let that little flea here?" Asked the largest of the boys, probably thinking he was extremely funny because he managed to point out you height. Or rather lack of  it.

"You," yous stopped in front of the boy from yesterday and grabbed his wrist to drag him away from the group. The others just stood back, partly from surprise that someone so tiny and, well, invisible dared to come in their way. Partly because there was a teacher watching, and even though the teachers did nothing when the bullied the boy, they sure would have had someghing to say if the had laid a hand on you.

So you dragged the boy away, out of the school, not looking back. You tried to look calm and mature as always, but inside your heart was beating the records. Maybe they were going to follow you now? What had you done? You hadn't want any trouble, you wanted to be just invisible as you always had been.

Outside the schoolgates you let go of his wrist and picked on the straps of your backpack again to give your hands something to do. You kept slowly walking as well, before you noticed he wasn't following. Then you remembered you had forgot to ask.

"Wanna come by my place?" You asked, your foot kicking a small rock on the ground. "Mum's making cinnamon rolls today."

"Sure," he nodded and you realised you didn't know his name yet. You weren't sure if you wanted to anyways. Names were too much of a hassle. They made people more real for you.

"What's your name?" You asked as you walked, still kicking the rock. "Mine's Y/n."

"Shouya," he scratched his head, messing up the nest of dark hair even worse it was before. "Now they'll be coming after you as well."

"No they won't," you said calmly.

"What makes you think that?" The boy - Shouya asked with some interest. If you had some weird charm that repelled people you didn't like he sure would have wanted to get his hands on it

"They'll only pick on you because they can easily get away with that. If they started on me as well it would get the attention on teachers and this time they couldn't roll the blame," you pushed open the gate to your house and walked inside, holding it ajar for Shouya as well.

When the two of you went inside, he instantly noticed two things. The delicious smell of cinnamon rolls that had taken over the entire house. Also the piles and piles of brownish cardboard boxes that were all over the floor and filled just every available space.

"Mum!" You called out towards the general direction of kitchen. "I'm home."

Your mother appeared in the doorway, her clothes covered with flour and smelling like fresh butter and spices. Her hair was pulled on the side with loose tie and you noticed she had some flour there as well.

"Hey dearie," she said with a large grin. "And you brought a friend with you as well, how nice."

"This is Shouya-kun," you said, setting your bag on the floor and walking in the kitchen. "I told you yesterday."

"Oh right," mum  seemed to remember. "The only friend you made at the school," she looked at Shouya who was feeling very awkward and ouf of place suddenly. He hadn't even talked with you before yesterday.

"Well all that," mum said and pointed towards the kitchen. "I made some rolls, so the two of you get all nice in kitchen. Y/n!" She shouted to you, "I'll go finish up upstairs and then I'll be with you right away."

You nodded little although there was no way she could have seen it since she was already on the second floor. You got out two mugs from the cupboard and put them on the kitchen table.  Then you stopped in front of the fridge.

"Are you lactose intolerant?" You asked, hand hovering above the carton of milk.

"Errr..no?" The boy had climbed on one of the chairs and was looking at you confusedly.

"Can you drink milk?" You asked again, this time in human.

"Yes," he nodded and you put the carton on the table as well. Your mum had already left the cinnarolls there, so for a little while all that could be heard was munching. And then some more munching. Oh dearie, I love cinnamon rolls. I wish I had some right now.

"Are you still moving in?" Shouya finally asked when he was already quite full of food. He was silently wondering how long had you already lived there. Surely it had been long enough so there shouldn't be so many boxes.

"We're moving out," you declared and tried to lick away your milk moustache. It didn't work so you wiped your upper lip with sleeve instead. "To Osaka. Mum got a new job."

"Oh that's....nice," Shouya finally said. He had thought there was finally a person who was his friend despite what he had done. Guess not. Life is hard.

"You'll write me, right?" You filled your milk glass again. "Tell me if these jackasses get too bad. And other stuff too."

"Sure," his mood improved instantly. "We're friends, right?"

"Not yet," you accidentally slurped with the glass and coughed to hide it. In the end, that meant you almost spurted milk from your nose. "But give it a little time."

Next month you moved away.

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