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It was over a year after Anna had come back. Anna and Shane were mates forever in love. They had a family and were at peace. During the summer Shane drew and painted. He sold his art and helped the pack survive during the summer, though most of the pack got jobs over the summer, most of Shane’s earning went in a safe for Jack so if he decided he could go to college.

Anna, Shane, and Jack had gone on a vacation to celebrate Jack’s fifth birthday. Oliver was in charge of the pack while they was away. They took a trip to Kansas. Like Shane, Jack liked arts and he liked to look at paintings. During the summer if Shane was working on a sketch or a painting Jack was there to watch his father excel. Though Jack had only been alive for five years he grew faster than others and he had the mind frame of an eight year old. He knew what he liked. Kansas had a few great art museums so Anna and Shane decided that would be a good place to take him. Jack didn’t act like a normal boy. He had been through his rough stages, and due to the rough nature of wolves he had to learn- sometimes the rough way-what was and wasn’t acceptable.

After an art museum the three of them stopped at a mall to get some food and it led to some shopping. Anna had taken Jack to a clothing store to find him some new summer clothes and Shane had wandered into a jewelry store. He and Anna had been mated and under the full moon, and under watch of the pack they howled together claiming each other as theirs. Shane had talked about getting her a ring but Anna never wanted one. Shane looked through their selection, and saw nothing he liked. He was about to walk out the store when he saw a woman staring at him. She stared at him with wide unbelieving eyes.

Oh God, his mother was staring at him and tears were falling from her eyes. Shane’s heart stopped and his chest seemed to cave in. Where had the air gone from his body? She took a step towards him and Shane took a deep breath. He went over to her and so lightly she brushed her fingers over his cheek.

“Shane” she squeaked.

“Hi mom.” She pulled him into a hug and squeezed tight. He wrapped his arms around her. It felt so good to hug his mom. For a while they just hugged and he felt his shirt getting wet as she cried. He had missed her, and he wished that he hadn’t just left her like he had to.

“Mom, who the hell are you hugging?” Shane recognized Jason’s voice. He looked and his older brother was running over to them. There was a small girl following close behind him. Jason froze and looked at him. He saw so many things flash before his brother’s eyes. Jason closed the few feet and ran over and tore Shane from his mom.

Jason didn’t seem as big to Shane anymore. Maybe it was that Shane had grown. He had really put on more muscle since he changed. Or maybe it was that so many things had happened, and he felt more mature. He had a son, a wife- sort of-, and he was Alpha of a pack of werewolves.

Jason pulled back and looked Shane in the eyes. Jason did look older. Quickly his eyes turned mad. “Where the hell have you been Shane? We have been worried sick over you.” The anger faded away and Jason hugged him again. His mom joined the hug.

“I have both my boys back now.”

They went to the food court. There they could sit down and talk. Shane was terrified, he had no idea what was going to happen. “Why are you guys in Kansas?”

“My sister Tina died, and since most of the family is here they’re having the service here.” His mother stopped and looked at him. “What are you doing in Kansas?” Shane didn’t say anything he just looked down at the table.

His brother grabbed his arm. “Shane, you can tell us, we’re your family.” Shane opened his mouth, but closed it knowing his excuse wouldn’t work with them. It was better to say nothing.

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