Chapter -14

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After that things took on a routine. I had school five days and the other two I spent them with Anna. Things were perfect until the end of November. Just as the weather turned cold, it seemed our relationship did too. I had not seen Anna for three weeks. She would not answer her phone or respond to anything. I was very worried. It was November 28 when I called her phone in the evening and she actually answered.

“Hello” she said in a strained voice.

“Anna” I said relieved. “Where are you? Where have you been?” I asked slightly panicked.

“Oh Shane, I am sorry I have not been around,” she said rushed and breathless “I have been very caught up with stuff in the pack.”

“It’s okay, I just want to see you.”

“I cannot right now.” I heard a crash from her line.

“Anna what was that?”

Her voice got higher and her words were urgent. “Shane listen to me, I have to-” She screamed and didn’t finish her sentence.

“Anna” I called. The other line was silent and then there was a click. I rushed out to my car drove to her house. It was freezing outside. I drove fast, far too fast for the amount of snow on the road, and got there as quickly as I could. I was incredibly worried for Anna. Was she alright? What made her scream? What was that thud?  Many questions went through my head as I drove. I pulled up to her house and it was completely dark, not one light was on. My heart was pounding and I was breathing hard. Where is Anna? I knocked on the door and waited but there was no answer. I knocked again and there wasn’t a sound so I shoved against the door until I opened.

“Hello... Is anyone here? Anna?” The only sound was my voice and my hesitant steps against the hard wood floors.

The house was cold like the heat hadn’t been on in a while. I knew where Anna’s room was and I went upstairs directly to her room. The last time I had been inside her room it was neat, now everything was thrown around the room. There was a stink about the room that I knew wasn’t her sweet smell. I couldn’t tell what it was and though it still smelled familiar. Where had I smelt this before? I looked around her room but it was too messy to find anything. Her window was open and a glacial breeze from outside chilled my skin.

My body began to shaky violently. Every part of me was shaking, insides included. My legs gave out and I fell to the ground. Another breeze hit me and there was a stabbing pain in my back and chest. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I began to gasp for air. My fingers and toes began to ache. They felt like someone was pulling each finger out of place and bending it in an unnatural position. I clenched my teeth and groaned. I looked down at my hand and they were hairy. 

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