Anna -3

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I found him sitting in the ledge of my window. “Shane!” I shouted surprised. I ran over to the window and pulled him in. He fell inside and we laid in the ground.

“Anna, what are you doing?” he sounded annoyed.

“Shane you have to be careful. What if you fell?”

“I wasn’t going to, and besides I saw Jared do it and he was just fine.”

“Jared has changed so if he does fall he will be able to land on his feet. I do not want to you to get hurt.” My words seemed to have hurt Shane. It was then I realized that Shane wanted to change. “Shane, are you upset because you have not changed?”

He was silent for a long time. “When you were gone, all I wanted was to see you again. I just wanted to be with you.” He took another long pause. “Then when we were finally together, you told me that I was like you. At first I was upset but then I realized that you gave me what I wanted. I got excited, but the last few weeks make me think that I’m not like you.” He looked at me and his eyes were so sad. “Anna, I want to change, I want to run with you through trees and hunt.” Tears formed in his eyes. I saw that he had a wolf’s want but his body just wouldn’t let it happen.

“Shane, I do not know why you will not change. I did the same thing that I did to change the others.”

“Wait, you’ve changed others?”

“Yes. I changed Oliver, Clayton, Kim, and Quinton.” Shane’s eyes darkened. “Why does that upset you?”

“I was hoping to be the only one you changed.” He wouldn’t look at me.

“Shane you are the only I have changed that I love, that is all that matters.” He looked up at me and smiled a sad smile. I wanted him to be happy. “I am sure you will change Shane, it just has to be the right moment.”

We laid there and talked some more but it eventually got late and we moved to my bed and we fell asleep together. The next day, Shane, Jared and I were watching TV, waiting for Oliver and Clayton to get home, when there was a news break. It interrupted our show, and it was a missing persons alert. It was asking anyone with information of were Shane might be to call a number. I could see that Shane was very upset and I grabbed his hand.

“Did this just start airing on TV?”

“No it’s been on for a while” Jared said.

“What?” Shane and I said in unison.

“Yeah, it’s been showing for about three weeks.”

“Jared you have seen this for three weeks and you did not tell anyone. I might have wanted to know about this. We could have come up with a story so that Shane’s parents are not searching for their son.”

“I have to go” Shane said as he got up. “I have to go to them, my mother is probably going crazy.”

I got to my feet and said “Shane no, you cannot. You are with the pack now. A rule of ours is do not get too close to humans.” Jared got up from the couch.

“I can’t sit here while my parents search for me. You got close to me and everything worked out. I’ll be fine to just see them once and let them know I’m okay.”

 “Alpha is experienced as a wolf and she is able to control herself. You are still a pup and need much training.” Jared’s words were firm but they were also understanding. He had learned much patience from when he was first turned.

“Anna please” he begged.

“I am sorry Shane but I cannot let you.” I hated to refuse him anything but I could not endanger the pack.

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