Chapter -5

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For the next few days I avoided going to gas station. Steve repeatedly told me that I was being stupid. He never stopped telling me that I was ruining my chances with her. But I just couldn’t face her. After about four days I finally mustered up the courage to go to the gas station. Unfortunately Anna wasn’t there, and there was no way that I was going to call her. Lucas suggested we go out into the woods to take my mind off of Anna. He would take photos of the wildlife and I could sketch whatever drew my attention.

On the drive over I told him everything that had happened. He just told me to be persistent, and stay positive. We found a good spot and decided to stop there and find animals to photograph and sketch. I sat on the ground and was just finishing up a sketch of a squirrel searching for nuts, when I began to think about how school was starting up in a week or so. I wouldn’t be able to go to the gas station as often.

“I’ll be right back” Lucas said breaking me out of my abstraction.

“Okay, I’ll be right here” I said indifferent. I was barely paying attention, my sketch was missing something. I could pinpoint what was missing.

Frustrated I slammed my sketch book closed. I rose to my feet and brushed off my pants. I turned around and slammed into someone. I hadn’t even heard anyone behind me. I heard them fall to the ground. I struggled to keep my balance, but I couldn’t do it.  I went flying forward and landed on top of them. The smell of lilacs rushed up my nose and I instantly knew who it was. It was Anna. I slightly lifted my head and looked down at her, she looked up with a smile draped over her lips. Her cheeks flushed a beautiful pink.

“Hey Shane” Anna said “We really need to stop ending up like this.” Her eyes held amusement and a hint of embarrassment. The light pink that was in her cheeks made her eyes seem brighter. I stared down in her eyes, and was caught yet again in the clarity and beauty of them. I could spend hours staring into her eyes and still not have enough of them.

“Hey Anna” I said as I got up. “I couldn’t agree more. I didn’t even hear you behind me.” I held out my hand to help her get up. “You’re too stealthy for me” I said teasingly. She brushed her pants. I looked her over and began laughing hysterically. She had leaves clustered in her hair.

She gave me a questioning look. I could tell she was wondering if I was insane. “What is so funny?” she asked curiously.

It took me a minute to stop laughing and tell her about the leaves. I knew I shouldn’t be laughing because those leaves were in her hair because I knocked her down, but it was too much.

“You have some leaves in your hair.” I reached down and grabbed some leaves.

Anna broke out laughing as well. She too reaches up and began pulling out leaves. “Thanks” she said happily.

“I’m sorry I fell on you again.”

“You seem to do that a lot” she said suspicious. “Someone might get the wrong impression if you do that every time we meet.” She had that wickedly sexy face on.

I felt the warmth in my body as I realized what she was talking about. I felt my cheeks getting warmer. “I didn’t mean to…” I stumbled to get the word out of my mouth.

“Shane relax” she said with a giggle “I was kidding.” The pink that was on her cheeks turned to a deeper red. The contrast of the flush made her skin look like it was glowing, but it still looked natural. I looked around the forest, then back at Anna. She seemed to blend in with the forest. She looked like this was where she belonged. She looked completely at ease. She wanted to be here and the forest drew her into it.

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