It was December of the second year and the pack had changed. We were living in the woods and I was patrolling around our territory when I smelt another wolf. I stopped alert and watched for any movement. Across the trees I saw another wolf and I recognized the scent. It was Antony. I had never seen him as a wolf before. He had a dark gray coat with only some white on his stomach. He slowly walked over to where I stood. I hadn’t seen him since he took Anna. He stopped ten feet away from me. It hit me that I couldn’t talk with him since he wasn’t a part of our pack. We looked at each other. I saw the pain in his eyes and I’m sure he saw it in mine.

“Shane” I heard in my head. I freaked out and I took four steps backwards.

“How can I hear you? You aren’t a part of the pack, that shouldn’t be possible.” I didn’t even know if he could hear me.

“Only you can hear me. We have a link because Anna turned you and I turned her. We are connected.”

I didn’t like that. I wanted nothing to do with this creep. He caused Anna so much pain just because he couldn’t get over her. “We aren’t anything” I growled. “Get out of here before I alert the pack.” Antony didn’t even flinch. He just looked at me sadly. He sat down and his head was down.

“I did not come here to fight with you, or with anyone else. I have been so lost…for a long time.” I stared at him cautious, but sat down. “Ever since Anna left me I have been…confused. I did not know what to do without her.”

“But didn’t you live a long time before you turned Anna?” He nodded his head. “Then why didn’t you go back to doing what you used to do?”

He was silent for a long time, and I thought he wasn’t going to answer me. “Before Anna, I was just blowing through towns and doing whatever pleased me at the moment. But after her I found that, that kind of a life was not appealing to me anymore. Being with her had changed me…” he looked me in the eyes “…just as it has changed you.” I was shocked by his words. “When you are human, you find that no woman is as beautiful as she and none hold any interest for you. Even the women you used to fantasize about pale in comparison to her.”

It was true, every word that came out of his mouth was true. It was like he read my mind. Just this summer before we changed Oliver had encouraged me to go out and meet a new girl. Oliver had just about done everything but order me to meet someone new. But I had tried, I had made an honest effort and looked for someone that sparked my interest. No one did. No woman would ever be as good or as perfect a match as Anna was for me.

“When you think about waking up next to anyone but her the thought disgusts you, and then you feel guilty.”

“Stop” I whined. I couldn’t take anymore it. He was right and I already knew what he was telling me. I had already decided that I would be single forever because no one was as perfect as Anna.

“When you see something that reminds you of her your heart drops and you feel like you cannot breathe.”

“Stop” I begged.

“When she is not with you the air is not as sweet and the oxygen filling you lungs just is not enough. The colors are not as bright, and the world is colder without her.”

 I sat down and closed my eyes. I knew all of this. I had felt it the moment she was gone. I had not felt this bad, remembering her, since the first month of trying to handle her death. “Stop” I pleaded. I didn’t think I could take more before I broke down again.

“Now you know how I felt” he said bitterly.

I opened my eyes and looked at him defensively. “But when she left you she chose to. She was still alive.” I was breathing hard and all the hair on my body stood up. “She was taken from me. Taken from the world.”

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