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Day 2

The Will Of Raegan Jesson

My funeral shall be payed for with my own money. The planning and designing shall be left up to the members of Team 10, my family, and a few others. (Jake Joseph Paul, Tessa Brooks Hammerscmidt, Chance Sutton, Anthony Trujillo, Alex Lange, Aaron Junior Mitchell, Chad Tepper, Erika Costell, Justin Roberts, Kade Speiser, Tristan Tales, Nick Crompton, my mother, my brother Leo, my sister Gina, Logan Alexander Paul, and Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.)

20% of my money shall be donated to the children's cancer foundation. 10% to the poor and homeless, and 10% to orphans under the age of eighteen. 10% to the make a wish foundation. 10% to my sister Gina's family, 10% to my brother, and 10% to my mother. 5% to my team 10 house payments. 2% to my funeral expenses. 8% to to Autism and special needs foundation.

Tessa Brooks will acclaim my cameras and may take what she pleases from my clothes and donate the rest to the less fortunate. My drone, laptop, etc. and footage shall be kept with Jake Joseph Paul of Team 10, until everything on the devices are saved on another device, then may be used by whomever in team 10. My furniture shall be moved to my personal apartment. My personal apartment shall be inherited by my brother when he is eighteen, and until then, it is under my mother's name. 

My Taylor acoustic guitar shall be left for Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, along with my red electric guitar, and grand piano. My blue electric guitar, and clear bass guitar for my brother Leo. 

My memory box, shall be left for Team 10 to go through and decide who shall take what, except for my diary. My diaries old and new, are to be left for Anthony Trujillo, and only to be read by Anthony, Tessa Brooks, and Jake Paul. 

Inside my small bedside table, there are small boxes each with a USB or flash drive with for each person in Team 10 and other people outside the team. The USBs should be given to who they are addressed to, and the person they are addressed to has the right to share the USB's components.

In the same dresser there will be certain gifts for certain people, and have the same rules applied to the USBs.

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