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As soon as I arrived at my Mom's house I rushed inside. The door was unlocked as it usually was during the day when my Mom was home.

As soon as I walled in Ky, our other german shepherd started barking, alterting my mother who came walking out of the living room. Her face was tear stained and her eyes were puffy and red. I must've looked the same.

"Rae." Mom sighed, embracing me in a tight hug. "Hey Mama." I breathed out. "How is she?" I asked refering to Gina. "Not good." My mother replied, pulling away. She shortly greeted Shep and then motioned me to follow her. I quickly unleashed Shepherd and placed my luggage somewhere and then followed her into the kitchen.

Gina sat at the kitchen island, a cup of what looked like tea cupped between her hands as she stared at nothing while silent tears ran down her cheeks. Seeing her like this hurt me so much. "Gina." I spoke up as I walked towards her. "Rae." As she said my name her lip began trembling and more tears rolled down her face. A small sob escaped her lips as I wrapped my arms around her after putting the cup of tea out of her hands. "I'm so sorry G." I whispered into her ear, fresh tears now pooling in my eyes. I could only imagine what she felt like. Losing your only a few months old baby is nothing easy and then not knowing if your husband will survive doesn't make it easier. "It hurts so much." She sobbed out. It shouldn't be like this.. I should be there to see my baby niece. I saw her one time..one time in the few months she lived and that only for one day. Now I regret that. I used one day that we had free of tour to visit my family and see Olivia for the first time. I wished I would've known it would be my first and last time.

Gina and I pulled away and I leaned against the kitchen counter. "Are there any news on David yet?" I asked, whipping my tears away. "I..uh..I went to the hospital earlier and they sent me home because he was still in surgery. And they'd call when he's out." Gina explained. I nodded. "I can't believe this." I sighed, throwing my head back so the tears that threatened to come again wouldn't. "It's a damn nightmare." My Mom said.

"I can't do this.."Gina said, shaking her head. "Amore, you have to be strong. Be strong for Dave, think about Laurel." Mom told her. "Ma! I lost my baby! My daughter! How the fuck am I supposed to be strong?!" Gina yelled. Fighting was the last thing they should be doing right now. "Guys..stop." I said. "I'm just trying to help! So don't talk to me like that!" Mom retorted. "I'm mourning!I'm broken! Telling me to be strong isn't helping!" Gina exclaimed. I closed my eyes and rubbed my head. "Gina, I-" I had enough. "Stop!" I shouted. Both went silent and looked at me. "Right now is not the time to fight. Right now we should hold together and be there for each other. Both of you stop and calm down." I told them. Nobody said something, Gina went back to staring at nothing and Mom tried to distract herself by cleaning the kitchen.

For a few minuted everyone was lost in their own thoughts. That was until Gina's phone began to ring. I perked up, hoping it was the hospital with good news. "Hello?" Gina accepted the call. I watched intently as she listened to what the person on the other end was saying. When Gina let out , what seemed to be a breath of relief ..I was hopeful. "Okay. I'll be there as soon as possible. Thank you so much. Bye." Then she hung up and turned to me and our mother. "David is stable for now." She told us. I relaxed a little at that. Those were good news.

"Do you want me to come with you to the hospital?" I offered my sister. "It's fine but can you pick Laurel up from school?" She asked me. "Of course." I nodded. "Could you pick Leo up too while you're at it?" Mom asked. "Sure." I replied. "Take my SUV. Mom and I will take her car to the hospital." Gina said, throwing me the keys. I caught them with ease. "Do you want me to tell Laurel anything? Like did she hear something when it happened? Or should I keep her busy for a little while and like do something with her? "I questioned. "She doesn't know. She was still asleep when it happened. Don't tell her,I wanna do that. Just take her somewhere until I call you." G answered. "Okay." I nodded and looked at the time. School would end in about half an hour.

"I'm gonna go now then. And I'll take the dogs." I announced. The two woman nodded and I did a short wave before exiting the kitchen. I let out a short whistle for Shep and Ky. Both came running towards me. I gave them a small smile and rubbed both of their heads before clipping leashes on each of their collars. I grabbed my purse that sat on my suitcase and then left the house.

I put the dogs and in the huge trunk and then drove off. First to the High School to pick up Leo. I knew he wouldn't be free yet but I could get him out if I told them that it was an emergency. It was after all.


I walked into the High School's office, feeling a little nostalgic. I haven't been there in so long. It wasn't like I missed it but there were so many memories made with Jake, Chance and Anthony.

"Oh my god..Raegan Jesson. I never thought I'd see you again." Someone said. I looked up and saw Mrs. Taylor, the principle. She wasn't that bad of a woman but of course she often get fed up with us when we sat in her office because we once again caused some trouble. "Hey Mrs. Taylor." I smiled. "Oh, you can call me Jenn now." She told me, pulling me into a small hug which took me off guard and was also a little awkward.

"What brings you here?" She asked. "Actually a not so happy subject. There's a family emergency and I wanted to pick my brother Leo up if it was possible." I explained. Her face fell. "Oh. I hope everyone is okay." She said. "Not really." I sighed. "We'll call Leo out and he can leave with you." Mrs. Taylor said, seeing that I wasn't comfortable talking about it. "Thank you." I told her. She shot me a smile and then went over to the office lady to tell her what to do. Only a few seconds later Leo was called out.

"Thank you again." I told my old principle. "It's no problem. It was good seeing you again. And keep working hard. It is really amazing what you achieved." She told me. "Thank you." I replied. "Bye Raegan." She waved. "Bye." I waved back and left the office and waited for Leo in front of it.

Soon he came rushing around the corner and spotted me. I met him in the middle of the hallway as we crashed into a hug. "Is everything okay?" He asked a little confused. "Something happened. We'll talk in the car." I told him and we walked outside together.


By the time I finished explaining everything to Leo we were both crying again. "This is horrible." He chocked out, wiping his tears away. "Yes." I agreed, whipping my own too. "We gotta go pick Laur up now. She doesn't know but we can't tell her. G wants to tell her. We're just gonna keep her busy..take a walk with the dogs and stuff." I told him. "Alright." Leo sighed. I took a deep breath to fully calm down and then drove out of the parking lot to go and pick my niece up..

Tell Me Why - Anthony TrujilloМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя