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I couldn't think straight. My best friend and my ex-girlfriend - the girl I wanted. He had been bragging about it all day.

"I was so drunk I can't even remember it. I can't remember leaving the club with him. I'm sorry Anthony. I didn't want it, I regret it so much." Raegan's sobs were distant as my mind was racing. Why? Why would they do this?

"Did you want it last night?" I asked her. It came out harsher than intended but I couldn't help it. I was angry. "I don't know. I can't remember." "So he basically took advantage of you." I pointed out. "I don't know!" Raegan was crying so hard she was gasping for air from time to time.

"I-I need to go." I stood up, running a hand through my hair. I didn't know how to feel. Raegan was there feeling horrible about it but Chance went on to brag about it. So he must remember some of last night. But I didn't think he'd take advantage of her. He had that Alex girl almost down to be his girlfriend.

"A-Anthony. Please! I'm s-so sorry." Raegan sat up and reached forward to touch my arm but I flinched back. "Please don't." I said quietly, not able to look at her face now. This just made her cry more.

But I needed to leave. So that is what I did. I stormed out of her room and down to the hotel lobby where I knew Jake and Chance were, filming something.

Once I spotted Chance I began fuming. In my state of pure anger I took big steps towards him and before I could think about it my fist connected to his stomach. He let out a groan, hunching forward. "What the fuck Tony?!" Chance exclaimed, looking up at me with a pained expression. I didn't care though. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Why her?" I spat as I pulled him close to my face. "What are you talking about?" He grunted. "Raegan!" I snapped. His eyes widened. "Look An-" I cut him off by pushing him backwards. He stumbled back but was saved from falling by the small couch in the middle of the lobby. I stalked towards him to hit him again but was stopped by the hotel's security.

"What is going on here?" One of them snapped at me. "Nothing. It's over now." I grumbled. "Sir, are you okay?" The other guard asked Chance. "Yeah. It's okay. You can let him go." He told me. Hesitantly security let go of me.

I shot Chance one last glare before running out of the hotel. I needed to calm down.



I was throwing my stuff into my suitcase in a rush. I had to catch a flight to LA in three hours. I couldn't stay in New York with Chance and Anthony.

Once I was done packing I grabbed my surprisingly not cracked phone off the ground and ordered an Uber. I had already texted Jake that I was leaving so I knew he wouldn't worry.


I walked into the Team 10 house with hesitation. I wanted to talk to Tessa but I was also scared to face her. "Raegan!" My eyes snapped up and widened with shock as Emilio and Ivan stood in front of me. "Oh my god! You're back!" I gasped, wrapping the two in a group hug. "I missed you guys so much." I told me, squeezing them tightly. It had been way to long since I last saw them personally. "We missed you too." Ivan told me. "I'm glad you're back. Please don't leave me again for that long." I smiled at them, kissing both of their cheeks. "We'll try." Emilio grinned. "I love you guys." I chuckled. "Love you too." They responded in unison. "I'm gonna unpack and then we'll catch up yeah?" I offered. They both nodded in agreement.

So I went upstairs to unpack. Once it was done I peeked into Tessa's room since the door was open. She wasn't in there though.

I skipped downstairs and to the kitchen where the twins, Chad and Thomas were. "Do you guys know where Tessa is?" I asked them. "I think she and Tristan went somewhere." Thomas replied. I nodded.

"What's wrong?" Emilio asked me, seeing me frown. "We got into an argument. It's nothing though." Nothing wasn't the term to describe it but I couldn't tell them. They'd hate me too. "Is it about Chance?" Chad spoke up. My eyes snapped to him. "So you saw the pictures." I sighed, leaning against the counter between the twins. "We all saw. But they only show you and him leaving the club while holding hands. Doesn't seem that unusual to me though. You guys are close." Thomas explained. I nodded. I wish that was the only thing that had happened.

"Enough about me. How was Spain? How's Rebecca? How's Mama Martinez?" I turned to the twins, wanting to catch up on what they did in their time gone.

It was a welcoming distraction.

Tell Me Why - Anthony TrujilloDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora