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Tessa didn't reply to my text so I assumed she was busy.

I had just got done with my photo shoot for Teen Vogue and was preparing for the interview part. I knew Teen Vogue would ask some risky questions. I was warned about that. I'd try to talk around those though.

"Let's get started yeah?" Kelly, the woman who was interviewing me asked. I shot her a small smile and nodded. We were sitting on chairs opposite each other. Kelly sat behind the camera so only I was in the shot.

We did the usual introduction and then she got started on the questions.

"You have successfully started off in the music industry. We loved your album. So we want to know if there will be any new music soon?"

"Yes. I have two songs coming out soon."

"Is there any meanings behind those songs?"

"There is something behind both. One of the songs is called Lay Me Down. It's about my niece who was killed in a car accident when she was only a few months old. It hit my family hard and I feel like making the song was a way to work through it. It gave me a grip because after it happened I was lost for a long time. I had wanted to give up my career and just stay back in Ohio with my family. But my sister actually told me to make a song and to never stop now that I have went so far."
"Then the other song I want to wait until it's actually out."

"Alright. We can't wait."
"You started off as a viner and then youtuber right? Are you still into that or are you mainly doing music now?"

"Being a viner and youtuber will always be part of me because that's how I was able to pursue my dreams and I'll forever be grateful for all the people who support me. I'll still do Youtube whenever I can, it just won't be my main thing now."

"Can you tell us what happened in your last relationship? Everyone was highly confused after Landon left the tour."

"To sum it up..it was just a toxic relationship. It wasn't healthy so I had to distance myself."

"Do you have any new love interests at the moment?"

"No. I'm a single pringle."

"Let's talk about Team 10. There is a lot of talk about Jake Paul who owns your company with you. We'd like to know if he is really that bad of a person?"

"I've known Jake since he was born. We have been best friends our whole lives which is why we have a special bond. Jake can act repulsive, sometimes he doesn't think before he acts or speaks..there is no denying in that but he always owns up to his mistakes. He is so kind-hearted and welcomes everybody with open arms into his life. Everyone who knows me knows I'd never let someone toxic or negative into my life. If Jake was really such a bad person then I would not be associating with him. I love him and I'll always have his back."

"After Logan Paul released his infamous second verse he said in a line 'Is it called Team 10 because you take 10 percent of your friends'. Alot of people were mad about that. What do you have to say?"

"I mean we have to stay real here. Team 10 is a business after all, so yes we do take a certain percentage of our talents' income. After all we do also pay for their living."

There were a lot more questions and some I had to dodge but other than that it went good.


I had just gotten back to my hotel room when I got a call from Tessa. Finally.

"Did you have something with Chance?!" I cringed at how loud her voice was. I was hoping I could tell her before she found out through any pictures that were taken by paparazzi that night.
"T, let me explain." I said, hoping she wouldn't hate me. "Oh, please do." She was already pissed I couldn't imagine what she'd be when I was done explaining.

"We were drunk. I don't even remember half of it. I didn't mean for it to happen. For god's sake I never saw Chance that way and still don't. I'm so so sorry Tessa. I wish I could turn back time." I explained to her. "What did you guys do? Like did you kiss or more?" She questioned. She deserved to know. "We slept together." I said quietly, embarrassed. "I feel disgusted with myself. I'm so sorry Tessa." "You knew I still had feelings for him..you knew he meant something to me and you go fuck him. You should feel disgusted with yourself. I never thought you'd go behind my back like that. I can't believe it. You're supposed to be my best friend." I couldn't help the tears that started pooling in my eyes as her words hit me deep. I hurt her. I could never forgive myself for that. "How can I make it up to you?" I asked. "You can't. Leave me alone! I hate you!" "Tes-" I didn't get to say anything else because Tessa had hung up on me.

That was when the tears escaped my eyes. There weren't many people left caring for her and now I had to hurt her further. She loved him and I went and had sex with him. I wish I would have never come to New York. It was a huge mistake. She's my best friend,my little sister but I messed it up.

With an angry screech I threw my phone against the wall before curling up into a ball on my bed. I hated myself.


I was in our hotel room when there was a noise by the wall. It sounded like something hit the wall on the other side. Knowing it was Rae's room on the other side I decided to go check on her.

As I walked into her room I could hear sobbing and crying. I quickly rounded the corner to see her curled up into a ball on the bed while she was crying. "Rae?" I asked softly as I placed my hand on her back. "Please go." She cried. I furrowed my eyebrows. "No. What's wrong?" I asked her, sitting down at the edge of the bed while rubbing her back as a sign of comfort. "I'm fine." She replied. "You are obviously not fine." I said. "Please tell me what's wrong Rae." I sighed.

When she looked up at me with her red eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks it broke my heart. We might have been only playing with each other and we might've only gotten back to being friends not so long ago but she still held a very special place in my heart. I didn't want to see her like this. "You'll hate me." She sobbed. "I could never hate you Rae." I told her, wiping some of the tears away. This only made her cry more though. "You will if I tell you." "Just tell me Raegan. Please." I begged, wanting to help her.

"I was the girl Chance left with last night."


Tell Me Why - Anthony TrujilloDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora