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I came back from watching the security footage at Warwick fuming. I knew something was foul with her story. But I was angry and disappointed that Megan would lie about something so serious.

I stormed up to Megan who sat at her office desk as she talked to Anthony. I was about to make a scene but I could not care less. She deserved it, more than that.

"You're a liar and a gold digger!" I accused her. Everyone went silent, confused as to what was going on. "Who the fuck lies about something so serious? People like you are part of the reason that people who actually got assaulted don't speak up." "Raegan wha-" I interrupted her. "You lied! About everything! Why? Because you wanted attention? Because you wanted some sort of fame? Because you wanted to ruin our careers? Well con-fucking-grats! You made it!" I threw my hands up at the last part. I was so so angry. "I want you out of this house right now." I said in a calm but warning tone, pointing at the front door.

"Raegan. What the hell is going on?" Jake stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around to face him. "I went and saw the security camera footage for that night. I saw every angle from the time she came to the time she left. Banks never went even near hear. He was minding his own business, at his table. The whole night!" I explained to him, crossing my arms over my chest. Jake looked shocked. He thought Megan was a good person. Everyone did but Jake was always quick to believe. He didn't even consider that it could be made up. Jake sometimes was too naive.

"Meg, did you really lie?" Jake asked her. She didn't answer, just looked down at her hands. "I guess that means yes." Jake sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "You could at least admit it." I said to her. "I'm-" "Sorry?" I cut her off, scoffing. "Shove that sorry up your ass." I glared.

"Raegan. Lay off of her." Erika spoke up. "You're still defending her?" I asked with wide eyes. "You got dragged too because of her lies Rik." I said, not believing it. "I-I have to think about this." Jake asked as he went upstairs to his room. He risked his reputation to speak up for a girl who said she was assaulted when in reality it was a lie.

"Meg, please just leave for today. We'll talk this through another day." Nick then said. Megan looked uncomfortable but I could not care less. "Okay." She muttered quietly and packed up her stuff.

"I'm gonna go to my room." I grumbled and went upstairs. I wanted to be alone.


I had sat in my room for a while and watched Netflix to calm down a little. That was until Anthony came into my room. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Don't act like you care." I muttered. "Oh stop being a diva." Anthony groaned. I glared at him. "Then stop annoying me." I retorted. "Can't do that." He grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Anthony?" I sighed in frustration. "Nothing." He shrugged as he came and lay down next to me. I just sighed and pressed play on the movie I had been watching. "Fill me in on how it started." Tony said. And so I told him and then we ended up watching it together.

It felt odd. I haven't been this close or civil with him in a long time. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I wanted us to get along but I also didn't want it.

It was complicated..

Tell Me Why - Anthony TrujilloWhere stories live. Discover now