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The Hollywood Fix

!News Flash!
Multitalent Raegan Jesson seen admitted to hospital after break down at LA Grove.
Stay tuned for more updates about her health status.


Youtube News

Sources tell us Raegan Jesson is in a critical state after being admitted to LA hospital.


Team 10

As of right now Raegan is okay. We ask everyone - especially reporters - to please respect if any Team 10 members do not talk to you about the situation. Right now we want to do anything we can to be there for our leader and family member.


One hour ago..

"Hello?" Jake answered his ringing phone not knowing his day was about to turn upside down.

"Jake." It was Tessa. She sounded weird making Jake worried. "Are you okay Tess?" He questioned the younger brunette. "It's Rae. W-we were at the Grove a-and she suddenly just broke down. L-like she just fell to the floor and w-wouldn't wake up." Jake's muscles stiffened, hearing that something was wrong with his best friend. "What happened?" He asked, scared for the answer. "I don't know yet. W-We are at the hospital. They're running some tests and checking her right now. B-but you better come." Tessa explained.

She was shook, scared for Raegan. The moment went so quick. One moment they were walking and laughing and the next Rae was on the floor.

"Text me the address. I'm on my way. Call me if there are any news while I'm on my way." Jake said while already slipping on his shoes and grabbing the car keys and his wallet. "I will. Bye." Tessa replied. "Bye." Jake hung up and began his way to the garage while sending a brief explanation of what happened to the Team 10 group chat. He also told me for now to not go to the hospital and that he would update them. The hospital would probably not accept all of them there.

His mind was racing as he climbed into his Lamborghini, thinking he'd arrive faster in it. What happened to Rae?


"Mr. Paul, Ms. Brooks." A middle aged male with a white coat on stepped towards Jake and Tessa. His name tag read 'Dr. Jared Holland'. Jake and Tessa rose from their seats, anxious to hear what he had to say.

"Are you informed about your friend's cancer?" Just that question, the word cancer made Jake and Tessa want to cry. It was back. "No." Jake replied, grabbing onto Tessa's hand for comfort. "Did you know she had it before but recovered?" Dr. Holland questioned to which both Team 10 members nodded. "The lung cancer is back but it spread out into the lymph nodes in her chest and her brain. Her chances of surviving are not high right now. We are afraid that her body is too weak for chemotherapy. Surgery is impossible due to how much it spread."

The two wanted to break down at the doctor's words. Her chances of surviving were low..it was that bad. Did Raegan know it was back? Did she know and not tell them? Or didn't she know? "We want try chemo to help her but the side effects will probably wear her out. We will have to keep her here." "Can we see her?" Tessa asked. "Yes. Room 123. It's down the hall." Jake thanked the Doc and then quickly pulled Tessa down the hall, to the right room number.

They slowly entered the room to see Raegan in a hospital gown in bed looking awfully pale. She was awake though. The three greeted each other, Tessa and Jake hugged her gently, scared to break her. "How are you feeling?" Jake asked the older girl, grabbing her hand while he sat down on a chair next to the bed. Tessa sat down on the other side of the bed. "Eh." Raegan shrugged. "Did you know about it being back?" Jake asked next. Raegan hesitated at first but nodded, confirming what Jake was thinking. "I'm not going to ask why you did not tell us because I think I know but you should've told us." He sighed. "I'm sorry. I just wanted us all to have fun in case I...die." Raegan responded, fumbling with her hands. She felt bad for not telling her friends now.

"You could've at least told us." Jake sighed, waving his hand around between him and Tessa. "But that's not important anymore. What's important is for you to get better. You're strong and we know you can make it." Tessa didn't want to fight knowing what condition her best friend was in. Of course she would've liked to know it was back but now she knew and she wanted to be there for Rae just like she was for her all the time.

"Do you want us to get the squad here?" Jake offered. Raegan shook her head though. Doctors said she was stable for now so she didn't find it necessary for everyone to see her like that. But she wanted to talk to one person though.

"Anthony. Call Anthony." Raegan muttered. Both of her friends were a little surprised by that. Even though the two had gotten closer after the singer returned from her tour they thought he'd be one of the last people the sick girl wanted to see right now. "Okay." Jake agreed and left the room to call the fellow Ohioan.

Raegan wanted to desperately mend things with Anthony before it would maybe be too late another day..

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