Who Am I?

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Who the fuck am I? Does anyone know? If you do, could you please let me know.

Bee - What? Am I a cartoon character?
Carter - Doesn't feel completely right.
Lyssah - I like it but I'm not use to being know at it.
Brittany - I am no longer and never will be her.

This is a vent for myself so fuck it I'm putting in references that nobody else will get.
"Brittany" died just like the fish.

I've started going by BeeJaiKay on instagram and youtube and like it's cute and I could get used to seeing it but at the same time I want it to be something like my name or a variation of my name (which it currently is for my legal name) but what even is my name? What do I want to go by. Who do I want to be known as?

I like Lyssah Carter, or Alyssah Carter. but at the same time it sounds like two separate first names or like first and last name. I want it to be Alyssah Carter and my last name. But then it's two harsh "k" sounds in a row.

A list of possible names cause I have no idea of what I want to go by so I made a list cause I kept thinking of names as I was writing this.

Alyssah Carter
Alyssah Callum
Alyssah Jo
Alyssah Grey
Kana Alyssah

I don't know. This was pretty pointless. Sorry if you read this with higher expectations. I wrote this with higher expectations so I guess we're both disappointed. Anyway, I should be sleeping. Night, I guess.

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