Four: Baby Blues

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photo: Preston

I woke up with a dull cramp in my lower back. I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach. I was glad I found a cheap hotel, not wanting to spend all of my father's money, but I also wished I had opted for something with a mattress that didn't feel like it was made of stone. I checked the time on my phone and sighed when I saw it was only four AM. Time differences sucked. I checked a couple emails I had received, mostly just the daily announcements from school. I ignored the text from my sister, and sent a good morning to Mila and Jackson before getting out of bed and making my way to the small bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth quickly and opted for a nicer pair of black jeans and a dark blue button up. I knew the only people who would be up at that time would be my friends in London, considering it was nine in the morning there, and it was finally Saturday as well, so they wouldn't be in class. Sure enough, my phone pinged as a new message popped up in my notifications.

-Skype me?
I said yes to Jackson and opened the app on my phone, calling him right away. Just a few short seconds before his wild pink hair showed on the screen.
"Hey, Zachy! Jet lag kicking your ass?" He chuckled as I groaned and nodded.
"Yes! It's fucking four in the morning here so there's nothing to do. I can't visit my dad this early, and I don't like anyone else here." He gave me a sad smile.
"Well, hey. In a couple days or weeks or whatever, I'll be there to keep you company. I'll take your sister on that stupid date, and then I'm all yours, alright? You don't have to go through this alone, Zach." I smiled at him and nodded.
"Thanks, Jacks. You know my dad would love to meet you in person too."
"As long as he doesn't hug me to death. I swear I thought he was gonna leap out of your laptop when I met him the first time." I snorted loudly.
"He was just happy I was making friends who supported me." Jackson grinned and nodded before I saw him glance down at his phone.
"Fucking asshole!" I heard him growl lowly, most likely not meaning for me to hear.
"Jacks? What's up?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, something he only did when he was stressed.
"Todd is trying to mess with me. He keeps being all sweet and shit, trying to get me back, and then he goes and posts a picture of him with his tongue down some girl's throat on Instagram not even a minute later." He groaned. "I hate how he still affects me like this."
"Hey, it wasn't that long ago that you two broke up, and you were together for a long time. It's okay to still feel things for him, but you also need to realize he isn't going to change. He'll say anything to get you back in his arms again, but he's still going to be his douchey self, stringing you and those girls along. You deserve better than that." He nodded.
"I know, but whenever he says things like this, I feel that tingle again and it's messing with me. Like, the text he just sent before you called, he said 'good morning, beautiful. I hope your day is as lovely as you' and my heart fucking melted. I know he's an asshole, and I know I deserve better, and I know he will never change, but I still just..." He trailed off and looked down, rubbing at his eyes. "I love him, Zachy." He let out a loud sob and I wished more than anything that I could be there to comfort him.
"I know, Jacks. I know." I pulled out my laptop and sent a quick message to Mila to go to Jackson's room. A few minutes later, I heard a door open and soon a pair of slender arms wrapped tightly around Jackson.
"Shhh, it's okay sweetie. It's okay." Mila cooed in his ear while rocking him back and forth gently. She looked at me through the screen and gave me a curious look.
'Todd.' I mouthed silently to her. She nodded and continued to rub Jackson's back and whisper in his ear. His sobs soon quieted down and turned to light hiccups.
"Thanks, guys. I'm sorry I freaked out." He whispered, pulling his face back up.
"It's okay, Jacks. You know we're always here for you." I said softly, giving him a smile. "And hey, you're gonna be with me here soon, remember? And the second I see you, I'll give you the biggest hug ever, and I'll show you all around the neighborhood, okay?" I heard him giggle and he nodded. The three of us continued chatting for a few hours, before I realized that I could visit my father finally. I said goodbye to my best friends, blowing Jackson a kiss, and hung up. I made sure I had the key to my room before exiting the room, and making my way to the stairs. I smiled politely at the hostess before leaving the building and unlocking my father's car, climbing in and starting it. The hotel was fairly close to the hospital, so it wasn't long until I pulled into a visitor's parking space. I stopped at the cafeteria first, buying a cup of tea and two bagels with blueberry cream cheese. I thanked the man behind the counter and took the bag and steaming paper cup from him and made my way back to the main hallway, to the elevator. I pushed the button and waited patiently until I heard someone calling my name from behind. I turned around and smiled as I saw Jemmy's little body bounding toward me.
"Hey, buddy! How's it going?" He giggled and grinned widely.
"I lost a tooth yesterday! See!" Sure enough, there was a gap where his front tooth should have been. I chuckled and smiled at him.
"That's awesome! Hey, where's-" I was interrupted by an angry, angelic voice.
"Jeremiah! How many times do I have to tell you to stay next to me!" I looked up and couldn't help but blush when I saw Preston.
"But I saw Zach!" Preston looked up, noticing that I was standing there.
"I don't care if you saw fucking SpongeBob, you stay next to me." Jemmy pouted and grumbled something about him saying a bad word. A chuckle made it's way past my lips and Preston's gaze snapped back up to me. His baby blue eyes met mine and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Had they somehow gotten brighter?
"You gonna get in the elevator, or not?" I blushed and nodded, scrambling into the elevator, the two brothers shortly behind. I pressed the button to my father's floor and nervously turned toward Preston.
"What floor?"
"Four." He grumbled out. I pressed the button as the doors were closing and pressed my back against the wall.
"So, I haven't seen you around before. You new in town or something?" I felt so small under his gaze.
"Um, no. I live in London. Just visiting." He nodded.
"Why don't you have an accent?" Jemmy blurted. I smiled at him before replying.
"I was born here. I moved to England a few years ago."
"Why?" My eyes widened and I tried to think of something... 'because your extremely attractive brother and all of his friends bullied me to the point where I wanted to leave and never come back.'
"Jeremiah! Don't ask things like that!" Preston scolded.
"Uh... It's okay. It's just difficult to talk about." I managed to say. Soon, the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor and Preston began to leave, before turning around, blocking the door from closing.
"How long are you here?" My heart was racing.
"I-I'm not sure... A month maybe." I sighed sadly.
"Well, if you get lonely, you should call me." He flicked a small piece of paper into the elevator before stepping away, and letting the doors close. I stared blankly at the scrap of paper on the floor before bending to pick it up. It was odd how just a messy bunch of numbers could make me smile so widely.
My thoughts were interrupted as the doors opened again, revealing the sixth floor of the hospital: the cancer ward. I smiled at the nurse who had helped me yesterday before making my way down the hall to my father's room.
"Delivery from your favorite child!" I announced as I entered the room. My father grinned as he saw the paper bag I was holding.
"Please tell me that's actual food and not some nasty liquified peas or something." I laughed and sat at the chair by his bed, setting my tea on the small table beside it.
"Bagels, actually." I chuckled and pulled one out for him, before taking one for myself. We ate our breakfast quickly and my mind wandered to what had just happened in the elevator.
"What's that grin for?" My father gave me a shy grin and I blushed.
"Nothing!" He rolled his eyes.
"Liar, come on!" I laughed.
"You sound like Mila." He glared at me and I sighed. "Okay, fine. I got someone's number in the elevator." My father whistled loudly, making me groan.
"Who is it?"
"That the thing. It's Preston White. Do you remember him?"
"I do... Isn't he one of the kids who bullied you?" I sighed and nodded.
"Apparently all the kids I went to school with think I'm dead. Right around when I left, a kid jumped off a bridge. Everyone assumed it was me since the police never gave out details. So he has no clue who I really am." I groaned and hid my face in my hands.
"Hey, son. Look at me." I lifted my gaze to him. "People change. You know that better than anyone. If you plan on using that phone number, you need to be honest with him, alright? If he hasn't changed, you know he isn't worth your time. Okay? You're stronger now than you were then. You know who you are. You have lovely friends in London, you have me. But, you will never know if you don't try." I sighed and nodded.
"You're right. I'm just scared of getting hurt again." He smiles sadly and places his pale hand on mine.
"I know you are. You were scared of going to London too, remember? And you were scared of coming out to me, and you were scared of transitioning, and I can imagine you were scared to come back here. Yet, you did it all, despite the fear of getting hurt." I was so grateful for my father in that moment. He always knew exactly what to say.
"Thanks, Dad. I think I'll text him later."
We spent the next couple hours chatting about random things. I told him about Blaire being psycho and demanding a date with Jackson, in which he rolled his eyes and said he would scold her for threatening me, and I told him about Jackson and Todd, in which he gave me a sad smile and told me the same thing I had told Jackson that morning: he deserved better.
"Well, Walter. Time for your meds." The same nurse said as he entered the room. "I suggest you say goodbye to your son. You know you'll be passed out within ten minutes." My father rolled his eyes at the nurse.
"I'll come back tonight or tomorrow, it's okay." I kissed my dad's forehead before standing to leave.
"Okay, see you, Zach. Love you! And remember what I said!" I smiled at him and nodded before leaving the room and making my way back to the elevator.

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