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Thursday, May 29th, 2014
Age 16

I ignored the endless whispers and giggles as I walked down the hallway. So what, a girl liked to wear bowties and despised makeup? It wasn't that weird, right? I just never got into the whole glitter and unicorns shit. Nah, it was all about dinosaurs and monster trucks.
  I was sure I was a disappointment to my family as well. My mother had wanted another perfect little girly girl, just like my sister, Blaire. She gave me the cutest name she could think of: Faye. And I stomped all over it. I hated the braids she always forced into my hair, and I hated the disgustingly pink tutus she was constantly begging me to wear. Thankfully, I grew up and could dress myself. Granted, she refused to buy me anything that wasn't a dress, or didn't come in the color pink. I fended for myself.
  "Hey, Faye! Me and the girls were wondering if you wanted to come along with us to the mall later! We're getting our prom dresses!" I grimaced and shook my head at the tall blond leaning against my locker.
  "No thank you, Kirsten. I'm not going to prom, and even if I was, you really think I would wear a dress?" She snorted in disgust.
  "Fine, I was just trying to be nice. See you later, dyke." I rolled my eyes. Like I hadn't heard that one before. It wasn't the words that bothered me. No, it was the constant humiliation. Whether it was stealing my clothes while I was showering after gym and forcing me to leave the locker room naked, or putting ketchup packets on my chair so when I stood up it looked like I was on my period. You may be thinking, 'that's nothing to be all mopey about!', but trust me. When crap like that happens to you on a daily basis, only to come home and get a lecture for wearing men's clothes instead of the perfectly fine summer dress hidden in the back of my closet. It gets to be too much. Thankfully, I did have one tiny sliver of hope: my father. My dad was my best friend. He took me out shopping when I finally stopped wearing what my mother wanted. He sat and helped me wash off whatever disgusting substance was poured on my head that day. Which is why it was him I needed to ask about Trenton Academy, a boarding school just outside of London.
  "Dad?" I knocked on the door frame, making him look up from his desk.
  "Hey, pal. What can I do for you?" I entered his office, shutting the door behind me, before taking a seat across from him.
  "I can't stay here anymore, Dad..." I trailed off. He sighed and stood, making his way to me.
  "I know, none of this is fair to you. All that shit you go through at school, and then at home. But where would you go?" He placed a hand on my shoulder. I took the folded paper from my pocket and handed it to him. My acceptance letter to the academy.
  "I know it's far away, but they're offering me a scholarship to join their orchestra, and they even offered to pay for the plane ticket. I just need a parent's signature on the enrollment forms. Please, Dad. This place is suffocating me. I'll visit whenever I can and I'll Skype you every day, I promise." He thought it over for a moment before sighing.
  "You better get busy. You have a lot of packing to do." My eyes widened and I pulled him into a tight hug.
  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
  "Of course. I will be holding you to those Skype calls though. And I want updates on your grades. The second I see you slacking, you're flying your ass right back here, okay?" I nodded and thanked him again before sprinting up to my room to start packing. I couldn't wait to say goodbye to that place.

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