"San Tekka it's me."

Soon the door opened and man with a dark beard stood in the doorway. He looked at the man and then to Luke.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Let us inside. I'll explain." The young man said.

San Tekka let them in. Luke told Artoo to wait outside for him.

Once inside, Luke noticed how small the hut really was. It was only large enough for one man to live in. A cot, a chair, a cooler and a small stove was all there was. He noticed a table in the corner with a small wooden chest setting on it.

San Tekka and the young man stood and talked quietly. Luke knew that he was explaining the situation to San Tekka. San Tekka looked over at Luke a couple times and would nod to the younger man. Soon the young man left, leaving Luke and San Tekka alone.

San Tekka looked at Luke.

"So, It is true then? You are Master Luke Skywalker?"

Luke nodded. "I am."

San Tekka raised his head. "I hear you want to speak with me."

Luke nodded. "Yes."

San Tekka pulled his robe around his body and moved to sit down on his cot. He motioned for Luke to sit in the chair. Luke obliged.

"So, what is it that possessed you to come all the way out here? Not that I'm not honored to speak with a Jedi, but it is quite unexpected."

Luke nodded and smiled in a agreement. "It is, But I had to speak with you."

San Tekka furrowed his eyebrows.

Luke continued. "A day ago I was meditating and I saw something,. . .someone and I heard something too. I don't know what any of it means. The only two things I felt could answer the vision was a name I heard and a book I saw."

San Tekka nodded thoughtfully. "And the name you heard? It was mine?" He asked.

Luke gave a nod. "Yes."

"And what of the book?"

"That's a little more complicated. . .you see I don't know what the book is. The only thing I know about it is that the cover was blue and it had a silver symbol on it. It was the symbol of the Jedi. And in my vision the pages began to flip and it stopped suddenly on a page titled. . .The Chosen One." Luke explained.

Tekka's face grew into disbelief when hearing the title.

"Your sure that's what it read?" He asked.

Luke nodded. "Positive."

San Tekka looked down and then back at Luke.

"Tell me more. What else did you see?"

Luke thought about it. Everything he saw began coming back to him.

"I saw. . .a baby. . .in it's mothers arms. She was humming to it. Then I began hearing voices. The echoed over and over in my mind. Something about The chosen one. . . about destroying the sith. . .the prophesy. . .bringing balance. . ."

Luke tried remembering.

"Finally I heard a man cry out in sadness and despair. You were the chosen one. Then I heard what sounded like my old my master's voice, Master Yoda, say. . .that the prophesy may have been miss read and that was it."

San Tekka seemed to be in deep thought.

"And you came here wanting to know what the vision meant?" He asked Luke.

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