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Everyone sat in the dreaded room, Luke and Ashton's funerals had been a few days and their closest friends were all at their shared graves.

Kai held the paper in his hands as his eyes filled with tears. He lost his best friend and his brother so fast, it was taking a huge toll on him. He unfolded the paper, breathing deeply as he cleared his throat.

"Friends and family, today is a day where the closest people that knew Luke and Ashton are gathered. The funerals are both over with and this a sacred time to remind everyone of the times that we shared with the two. Luke and Ashton had a type of love that no one could ever compare to. It was special because it was their own story.

Ashton, a teenager. Luke, a young adult. The two were so young and sadly, one could not live without the other. While we are all mourning, this pain will eventually subside and one day, no more tears will be shed so frequently. As for now, it's time to remember the moments that we all shared with the two lovers.

It is absolutely tragic that we had to say goodbye to two such beautiful souls. Thankfully, we all know that the two are together. I am almost certain that this happened for a reason. I wish things had turned out different, but life works in funny ways." Kai finished his letter before wiping the stray tears.

Calum cleared his throat before opening the letter Luke had wrote for whenever Ashton passed away. "Ashton, my dearest Ashton. I don't know when your time will come but this is for your funeral. I hope it's many years to come after my own because I want you to be happy and move on. Hopefully, you're in your eighties before this letter gets opened. I hope you lived your life to the absolute fullest. You are a huge piece of me, Ashton. A piece I will carry forever with me. No matter where I went, you're in my heart.

I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I just couldn't contain myself. You meant the world to me and I can't comprehend having to live a life where I can't see you every moment I can. I've said some stupid shit. I've done some dumb things. I just hope you know how much I love you. I didn't show it well at all. I know you were hurt the night you saw me and her together. I saw the pain in your eyes and I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever caused that pain again.

You deserve the world, nothing less. I feel pain whenever you do. You're a huge piece of me, despite me being a man. This may sound gay, but I love you. See what I did there? I made a joke to lighten the sad atmosphere. No doubt, when this time comes, everyone will be in pain. Hopefully, you'll have a husband and maybe even kids. I hope you had a great life.

I hope you knew it was okay to move on. No matter what happened, I'll never forget the years we shared the love that we denied. I'll be watching over you to make sure no harm comes to you or your family. I just need you to be okay, baby. I have to know you're okay.

This is getting pretty long so I'm going to end it here. Ill hold you in my heart forever. I love you Ashton. My deepest love, Luke."

"I was chosen to read Ashton's letter to Luke, and Calum was chosen to read Luke's." Michael spoke softly, his heart tightening from pain. "Dear Luke. I want to start off by saying how much I love you. I don't know why I'm writing you this but Kai said you wrote me a letter to read at my funeral whenever my time comes. I'm not letting anyone read this letter until it's my funeral so you'll know after I'm gone.

I know you may have thought that I would be much older but, sadly, I can't live without you. Without your pretty blue eyes staring into mine. Without your smile taking my breathe away.

You are the light of my life and I wish I could have been there to stop you. Why didn't you hold on? Why did you leave? Why did you sacrifice everything? I thought you were happier when I wasn't in the picture. How I wish I could just turn back time and hold you one last time. I love you, Luke Robert Hemmings. I can't believe I lost you. I can't believe you're gone. I miss you like crazy and I love you so damn much.

I need to go before I have another break down. I have to get ready for your funeral Lukey. This pain is killing me. From, Ashton."

From behind the group of people crying, Ashton and Luke stood there with their hands entwined. Ashton felt his heart breaking when he saw Michael bursting into sobs. Luke felt guilty when seeing Kai holding it in.

"I wish we could tell them i love you one last time." Ashton whispered as he watched them all crying.

Luke frowned but smiled small as he looked at Ashton. "Hey now, princess. We can't be sad. Let's focus on what the bigger picture is. We're together and we're supposed to be happy. I love you, and I'm so glad I get to spend forever with you. Now, we should get going. It's time to move forward." Luke extended his hand for Ashton.

Ashton smiled brightly at his words before giving their friends and family one last glance. He sighed and smiled sadly before he took Luke's hand and walked into the light with the love of his life by his side.


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