Chapter Seven

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A s h t o n

As I got closer to his house, my anxiety got worse. I sucked in deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. It wasn't normal to be this nervous but I was.

As I got to where I could see his house, I saw him and Arzaylea. I saw how close he held her. I saw how he whispered things into her ear, things that made her smile. I saw how he kissed her ever so gently. I saw how he looked at her.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear fall onto my hand. I shut my eyes, taking in a deep breath, deciding to just leave before I ruined anything. I opened my eyes and found his eyes straight on me. He had no facial expression as he let go of her.

I felt pain as my heart began to break. He wouldn't take his eyes off me. His eyes were icy blue and that's what made it so hard to look away. I sniffled and sucked in a breath, turning my back to him and started taking steps to get as far away from him as I could.

The pain I felt in my chest burned through my whole body. It made it harder to take each step. It made me shake. I felt myself slowing reaching my breaking point.

Every kiss begins flashing through my mind. Every moment we had, every smile he gave me, every fight we had. It all went flashing through my brain. I shut my eyes as tight as I could, trying to make it stop.

I knew I was close to absolutely falling apart. I felt my whole body begin to shake with the overwhelming feeling of sadness. I took deep breaths as I tried walking forward.

Each step became harder than the last. Each one shot heartache into my veins. Each step made one more memory appear in my thoughts.

I felt the wet teardrops sliding down my face like rain falling from the sky. I held back a sob as my sadness became me. I knew I couldn't be in the same town as him. I couldn't be in the same state. I couldn't be anywhere near him.

I started walking faster until I finally saw my house ahead of me. I sucked in a deep breath as I saw my parents cars were home. I didn't even want to go inside.

I hadn't seen them since I found out that I wasn't actually their son. It was difficult to view them as my parents anymore. I slowly opened the front door and saw a glimpse of my mom.

She turned to me and it felt like everything was going in slow motion. Depression had consumed my whole body and I didn't see a purpose for me being here. I didn't listen to what she had to say, I just said it. 

"I know." I whispered. I saw both of their faces go pale. Did they think I'd never find out? I felt tears brimming at the surface and I had to force myself to speak. "Why didn't you tell me?" My voice came out full of sadness, full of disappointment.

Before they could speak, Kai stepped into the room. Tension was everywhere but Kai was completely oblivious. He looked at us like we were aliens. "What's going on?"

No one said anything, so I decided to speak up. "Why don't you tell him, Sophie, or how about you, Matthew?" I spat. I was full of so many emotions that I could hardly feel one emotion at once.

Kai gave me a weird look. "Tell me what?" I looked at the people who had claimed to have me, but they gave me a pleading look to be quiet.

He couldn't be naive anymore. He couldn't be hidden from the truth. "They aren't my parents." I told him, glaring at the people who raised me. "Matthew's sister is my mom, and he took me from her. He lied in court and said that she was addicted to drugs. Said she didn't care for me, but that was all a lie, wasn't it?" Tears were falling down my face.

I stared at them full of hatred as I wiped my tears. I was so done with my life. Everything was a lie and I was sick of it.

I walked to my room, slamming the door behind me. I threw everything off the top of my dresser. I threw my computer chair. I knocked all my speech trophies off the shelf. I then began to hit the walls.

Everything was bubbling up and I didn't know how to control it.

My hits to the wall became weaker as sadness took over again. I fell to the ground, bringing my knees to my chest, sobbing. I just wanted all of this to be over.

K a i

I watched as Ashton left the room and shortly after, his door was slammed shut. I heard things being thrown, and then followed punching the walls of his room.

My heart began to ache for Ashton, who's entire life had gone to shit in the past week. I looked at my parents with the most disgusted look on my face.

My mother opened her mouth to explain, but I spoke up. "Don't. Do you realize he's lost everything in the past week? He lost his best friend, his boyfriend,  and now his family. His entire life has been a lie and you couldn't even fucking apologize to him?" I raised my voice and my dad glared at me.

"Don't use that tone with us." He barked at me, making me laugh from pure anger radiating through my body.

"Fuck. You." I seethed, starting my way to my room, only to hear my father open his mouth again.

"Young man! You get right back here this minute! Hey!  Listen to me!"

I whipped around, staring my dad in the eyes. "No! You listen to me, dad!" He looked a bit taken back at the tone my voice was. "You took your own sisters baby! There is no justification for that, especially when she did nothing wrong. Ashton would have been better off with her, at least his mom and dad wouldn't be separated but still hoping they could work it out! Face it, you and mom are done for. You both sleep with other people, you two fight all the time, just fucking give up! You two are at the end of the road!" I screamed.

Their faces looked more hurt than I've ever seen. I began walking to my room, but stopped and turned towards them. "Oh yeah, and actually be there for the baby when mom has it."

I slammed my door and breathed harshly for a moment. I then knew what I had to do.

A s h t o n

I heard it all. I was so proud that I had Kai as my brother. We may fight, but I'm glad to know he'd have my back whenever I need.

I heard a knock on my door and Kai popped his head in a few seconds later. I buried my face in my knees, not wanting to speak to anyone at this moment.

I was still full of anger and I didn't want to lash out on Kai when he had my back.

I heard him sigh before laying something at my feet. I felt him stand there for a few seconds before standing up and walking out. After a few minutes after my door shut, I looked up. I saw a box at my feet, with a envelope attached to it.

I grabbed the envelope and ripped it open.


I'm sorry that this week has been bad for you, and I know you need to get out of here as soon as you can. I found out where she lives Ashton. I wrote it at the bottom of this letter. In this box is half of my entire life savings. I want you to have it and add to the money you already have saved. It should be plenty to get you to England. You need to be with your mom. Your real mom.

Don't think I am trying to get rid of you, because I'm not. I want you happy, Ashton. I don't like you being upset. After all, you are my little brother. Anyway, no matter what happens and no matter what becomes of us, you'll always be my little brother. No matter who our parents are.

You should be reading this and by that time, I'll be gone. I left to go to Luke's so I wouldn't have to see you leave forever. I care about you Ash. You were in my life ever since I was four. Your a nice boy, so don't let anyone take advantage of you.

I want you to know that I will always be here Ashton. I'll never turn my back on you. I only gave you the address because you need to go see your real family.

-Love, Kai

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