Chapter Three

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A s h t o n

We finally arrived at the sacred place Luke had shown me. Sadly, Michael was waiting there for me. He looked back and saw Luke next to me and his eyes lit up with anger. I looked up at Luke and saw his eyes the same way.

I gently placed my hands on Luke's chest. "Let me talk to him." I whispered, more tears forming in my full brown eyes. He looked down at me and shook his head.

"That scum deserves no time with you." He mumbled back, gently rubbing his thumb against my cheek. I closed my eyes, melting into the gentle touch. I then pushed Luke gently back.

My eyes pleaded at Luke and finally he began walking away to give me and Michael space. I then turned around and my eyes caught a glimpse of him before I looked down with tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to hear what he said, but I figured I'd let him squirm.

I approached him, his arms immediately wrapping around me. I almost immediately pushed him off of me. I had so much I wanted to say, but I let him talk first. His eyes showed hurt when I pushed him off, but he nodded understandingly.

"Ash, I-"

"Ashton." I corrected, staring down at my hands.

"Ashton." He nodded, looking at me. "I don't know what I was thinking and I wanted to apologize. I loved you, I still love you. I never loved Calum, it was simply lust, not love. I don't know why I did it. I just got so jealous-"

I couldn't hold in what I wanted to say any longer. "You got jealous? That's why you let Calum give you head behind my garage, at my parents party. The one I invited you to. That's a shit excuse, Michael. And you know it." I snapped, before continuing. "I could have cheated that night too, but I didn't, because I loved you. But now I'm not so sure if I do." I breathed.

He stared at me for a minute before grabbing my waist and planting his lips against mine in a desperate attempt to be with him again. I shoved him back and wiped my mouth, disgusted.

"Ashton, p-please! I need you!" He sobbed and got onto his knees. I had to look away as tears slid down my cheeks.

I took a shaky breath in and wiped my cheeks. "Leave. I never want to see a single text from you, I never want to see a missed call from you, I never want to see or speak to you again. So please, save us both the trouble and leave."

I saw the hurt in his eyes but I didn't care. "After I caught you and Calum, I hurt myself. You were the only stable thing I had in my life. My parents are never around, my brother thinks I'm a freak, and you forbid me from seeing Luke after that night. I respected your wishes, only to find out it was you I had to worry about. I hope you and Calum end up together, because you and me sure won't." My voice was shaky and uncertain.

I didn't care how bad it hurt him, I marched up to Luke and pressed my lips on his in a desperate attempt to hurt Michael as much as he hurt me. I almost immediately melted into Luke's lips. My whole body filled with excitement. I had never felt such a rush ever being with Michael.

I pulled back, gazing into Luke's eyes for a moment before looking over at Michael. I saw him a brief moment before he threw a box on the ground and made his way away from the clearing. I stood there in Luke's embrace for a few moments before realizing what I had done.

"Sorry about that." I smiled sheepishly.

Luke didn't smile at all. "I'm not some toy, Ashton. I actually have feelings too, and kissing me to hurt your ex isn't something I'd be happy about." He spoke before letting go of me and walking over to where me and Michael were moments before. He tossed me the keys to his truck, not glancing at me for more than a moment. "Take my truck and please just leave me alone for now."

I stared at him for a moment before dropping his keys and walking over to him. I made him look at me as I cupped his cheeks. "I didn't do it just to hurt Michael. I could have kissed anyone but I kissed you. You kissed me the other night and I wanted to hurt Michael, yes, but I took it as a chance to see if what I felt the other night was just a one time thing or if it was everytime we kissed."

"So far, it's every time. I feel something with you that I didn't feel with him. Something I've never felt before. I can't describe it but its a great feeling." He didn't say anything so I continued.

"If you weren't special to me Luke, then I wouldn't have stopped stuttering around you. You were the first person I felt myself with. Even when we weren't supposed to hang out. I felt my true self come out when I was near you. I just got out of a relationship, so no, I'm not looking to get back into one for a while, but I have something with you that I've never had with anyone else. And when I'm ready, your the only one I see myself with." I whispered, rubbing my thumbs on his cheeks.

He pulled away, making all the words disappear. "Just leave Ashton. I heard you, but just go." The words made my heart drop. I had just poured my heart to him and he tells me to go..

I nod, respecting his wishes as I walked away from the blonde. I was so confused on my emotions and maybe Luke thought I was using him as a rebound. I just let him have his own time and I text my brother, hoping he'd come by to get me, only to have him say no.

I then texted the only other person I knew to text. Surprisingly, he said yes and said he'd be 'round in an hour or so. He made me agree to catch up, seeing as it had been three years since we've seen each other. I agreed because I missed him.

So I walked to where Luke's car was which took about thirty minutes so I burned time. I sat on the ground and waited to hear his old car pull into the park.


I finally heard the sound of his car pull in and I stood to my feet. I walked over to him, immediately met with open arms. I gladly accepted the hug, missing the warmth and care these arms used to endulge me in.

He sighed and held me into his warm hug as he rubbed my back gently. He always knew when something was on my mind, and always helped me through it.


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