Chapter Four

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A s h t o n

"Well, that's a lot. You should put that in a song." Harry teased, I laughed a little and it felt good to forget what had happened in the last few days.

"Maybe we should make a song!" I speak, making Harry grin and grab my hand. We were in his house and he had a recording studio in here. He lead me to the room, and we both sat down.

"Alright, so, we should write a simple song. Then record it. We can call it Heavy!"


We sat there for hours, thinking of lyrics and we finally came up with the first half. He set up the microphone, getting everything ready to record.

"I don't like my mind right now,
Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary,
Wish that I could slow things down,
I wanna let go but there's comfort in the panic.

And I drive myself crazy, thinking everything's about me.
Yeah, I drive myself crazy cause I can't escape the gravity.

I'm holding on, why is everything so heavy.
Holding on, so much more than I can carry.
I keep dragging around what's bringing me down,
If I just let go, I'll be set free.
Holding on,
Why is everything so heavy?"

Harry began clapping as I smiled wide, asking to hear it back. This song was a way to let my emotions out in a healthy way. We still had yet to work on the second half but I was starting to get tired. "'M sleepy. Maybe I should get home."

He scoffed and shook his head, dismissing what I said. "Nonsense, you can spend the night here. I have a spare bedroom down the hall. Make yourself at home. We'll finish the song tomorrow." He smiled and I nodded, too tired to argue with him.

I drag my feet to the room Harry told me to go to. As soon as I reached the bed, I fell onto it and fell asleep almost immediately.


I stared into his green eyes with desperation. "Tell me you love me. Tell me were going to be okay!" I pleaded, globs of water finding their way down my cheeks.

He looked away, tears forming in his own tired eyes. "Ashton..-"

"No!" I screamed, gripping my hair as tears ran down my wet cheeks. "Please! Tell me you want me!" I screamed, staring in his eyes, begging for an answer.

"I don't love you Ashton! I never did!" He finally spat, making my heart nearly stop as I sobbed into my hands. I felt a wave of emotions that I had only ever felt once.

I stared into his eyes with sadness. "You promised me! You told me you loved me!" I shouted, sobs falling from my swollen lips.

"I lied! Promises are meant to be broken, babe!" He exclaimed and looked at me with fierce eyes. He stared straight into my eyes. "I hate you. You've cheated yourself out of love, baby. No one loves a broken toy!"

His words hit me like a thousand knives. He breathed roughly, staring at me with anger in his dark green eyes. I stared into them for a moment, seeing if I saw love in them at all. I went to speak but his hand came in contact with the side of my head.

I gripped the counter, tears streaming down my red cheeks as I tried to keep myself standing, I felt like I couldn't breath. He watched, growing worried by the second. "Ashton?" His voice was gentle. I looked up at him wheezing as he began to cry. "Baby, I didn't mean it. You know that!"

I weakly tried to make my way to the door, only to fall from another blow to the head. He hit me, again.

He towered over me, angry. "You can't leave me, Ash."

I snapped awake as I felt my body soaked in sweat. I cringed slightly as I felt my body wet. I panted a little, shocked from the dream I had. Michael was never abusive but I had a horrible dream of it happening. It honestly terrified me.

Just as I began to calm myself down, Harry busted through the door, with wide eyes. He breathed roughly, like he had been scared awake.

He stared at me, panting. He was happy that I was okay, but didn't look very happy when I noticed his black eye. My mouth gaped open, as he turned away. "Your boyfriend is here, and he's not happy that your here." Harry mumbled  and I immediately felt bad.

I stood up slowly and cringed at the amount of sweat I had on me. I sighed and went into the bathroom, putting on deodorant. I had no other clothes so I was stuck in these. I made my way out of the bathroom then down the steps into Harry's living room.

My eyes made contact with Luke's and my heart immediately did slips. I shouldn't have kissed him, it was so wrong.

I finally found my voice after a minute. "What are you doing here?" I asked. I knew Luke was angry and I thought leaving the area Luke and I lived in was a good idea. I sighed gently as he just stared at me.

"Huh? Oh, right." His eyes flickered away from mine. "I came here to come pick you up. Your brother checked your phone history then gave me this address. Your birthday party is tonight." He explained and that's when realization hit. Today was my seventeenth birthday.

I nodded and walked over, giving Harry a huge hug. "It was nice catching up, Haz." I whispered, sighing a little.

His arms wrapped around my waist, smiling a bit at the action. "It was nice to see you too, Ash. Don't be a stranger."

I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him. "I won't. And you're invited to the party tonight." I explained and then walked over to the front door where Luke was.

Harry waved as we both walked out, immediately having his lips pressed against mine, in a desperate attempt. I kissed him back, craving his touch at all times.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to me, our lips smacking against one another's. He held onto my waist tightly and I hummed into the kiss.

I backed into the truck, his arms going down and picking me up by my thighs. He wrapped them around his waist, pressing his lips harder against mine.

Kissing Luke felt like I was breaking a law. It gave me an adrenaline rush that made my body heat up like nothing else would. Every time my lips were against his, I didn't think of anything else. I forgot the world even existed. My lungs found it hard to breath, my heart found it hard to slow down, and my body forgot how to control my senses.

He was my happy escape. Something I put my whole trust into. I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship, but I also knew he didn't care having to wait.

I pulled back and as soon as our lips lost touch, he let go of my thighs. I felt the ground underneath my feet. I looked up and he wouldn't even look me in the eyes. I looked down and opened the door, getting in the old truck. I stared at my hands, sighing. Was it going to be like this forever?

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