Chapter Two

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A s h t o n

When I woke up the next morning, I saw my wrists and flashbacks of last night appeared in my mind.

He kissed me.

I was a little angry about it.

I had just found my boyfriend cheating with a friend of mine and he kissed me, further confusing my emotions. Did I love Luke? No, I'm almost certain that's not what I felt last night. I felt confusion and comfort.

I'll just have to convince myself a little more.

I sighed, turning on my side as a single picture remained on my wall beside my bed. It was a picture taken last year at one of my parents parties. It was by the pool, and me and Luke were deeply engrossed into a conversation. I remember that whole day perfectly. It was single handedly one of the best days of my life.

I rolled my eyes at his main points to his argument. I never stuttered around Luke anymore. I just felt comfortable around him. More than I did anyone else. I watched as his lips move as he was probably mumbling invalid points.

However, I couldnt pay attention to exactly what he was saying. I was only watching his lips move with each word he spoke. It was like my hearing switched off and I could only focus on the way his lips mold each word he decided to speak.

I smiled slightly as his lip went between his teeth. He bit down lightly on his bottom lip, making me unknowingly copy his actions. His tongue pushed out of his lips, toying with the metal lip ring on his bottom lip.

I breathed heavily, watching as his tongue pushed it to the side, before pushing it back to its original place. I felt myself getting more and more excited. I felt my crotch tighten before I snapped back into my reality. I looked down and saw a tent in my jeans, making me run off before Luke could notice.

He followed me and sadly, noticed. He began to tease me for it before he leant down and whispered in my ear, "Want daddy to fix that?". My heart began racing as I began to say yes. I then remembered my boyfriend and quickly declined, only for him to laugh and claim it was a joke.

"You should have seen your face!"

He claimed he wasn't serious and that he knew me and Michael were a fling. I corrected him and let him know it was a relationship, not a fling. He then proceeded to tell me to watch Michael.

Later that night, Luke made me sneak out of my house just to follow him to a secret place. He drove for almost three hours, only to have to walk for thirty minutes to get there. When I saw the view, I forgot everything that was wrong. It was absolutely breathtaking. I looked back at Luke, shocked. "Luke, it's perfect." I breathed, staring back at the view. The whole city was exposed in the dark night sky. Light glistened everywhere, creating a beautiful display.

I looked at Luke, who was staring at the view as well. He looked over at me, smiling gently. "I came here when my parents would fight before the divorce. It made me forget my worries and let me focus on my main focus, myself." He told me, staring out at the lights.

"I showed you this place so you can have somewhere to run to when your problems begin to be too much. All you have to do is come to me and tell me you want to go." He whispered, looking out into the distance. "And we'll go."

I felt my heart accelerate as I looked at the boy. Something told me that one day I would be running to him, saying I wanted to go.

Something also told me I'd be running away from him to come here as well. To clear my head from something he did.

"I don't think Michael is going to be around very much longer, I just want you to have a place to forget him. So, here you go."

"Michael will be around forever. I know it." I tried to convince myself.

"Just watch him, something about him doesn't seem trust worthy."

How I wish I would have listened. I didn't stop myself as I pulled my phone out and texted Calum, asking him to meet me at the ice cream shoppe down the road. Almost immediately he agreed, claiming he had missed me.

I didn't have the heart to even text Michael. He didn't seem sorry about what he had done, so there was not point in trying to fix what was wanted to be broken.

I quickly grabbed all the pictures of me and Calum and shoved them in a bag, filling it to the top. I shoved the bag into a backpack and slipped some jeans and a tee on. I slipped on some shoes before making my way down the stairs.

I fell into a chest when I hit ground floor. I looked up cautiously and felt relieved when I noticed it was just Kai. "Hey, I heard what happened between you and... Him. Are you alright? I can make an appointment with your therapist."

I forced a smile and shook my head. "It was supposed to happen so someone better could come along. I'm okay." I mumbled, almost breaking down at my own words but managed to keep myself together.

He nodded and I ran past him, straight out the front door, and down the street. I finally stopped running after my house was out of sight.

I quickly found myself at the shoppe we were meeting at. I spotted Calum and forced a smile, making my way to the vacant seat across from him. "I didn't come here to hang out. I came here for answers, and don't lie. You know Michael will tell the truth since he obviously never cared. I want to know when you and Michael started fooling around." I spoke before breathing, forgetting how to for a moment.

Calum looked down and sighed. I knew he didn't want to tell me. "A year ago.. We were at your parents party and you had ran inside and Luke followed.. Michael got jealous and took me behind your garage and I gave him head.. Ever since then, we've been hooking up."

The words stung more than I thought they would. All I could do was nod as I pulled my backpack on my lap and pulled out the bag of pictures. I stood up before dumping them on the ground and dumping Calums drink all over them. I threw the cup at him before walking straight out.

I think Calum took the hint and didn't follow me. I felt tears stung in my eyes as I desperately tried to hold them in. I began running and running, taking no breaks. I was sobbing and almost having a panic attack and finally reached my destination.

I knocked on the door, my sobs turning into hiccups. He slowly opened the door and I fell into his chest immediately. All energy from me had been drained entirely. All my emotions poured out of me and I felt completely useless. His hands wrapped themselves around me and held me tight in his embrace.

I just stood there, sobbing and getting tears all over his white shirt. I buried my face into his chest as more desperate sobs fell from my chapped lips.

I was so drained of any energy I had when I asked Calum to meet, and I felt so betrayed. Even more than before. I was hoping Calum would have told me it was only that one time, but it wasn't. It was only one other time in the past year.

The night I could have done something with Luke and stayed loyal, he had cheated and started falling out of love with me.

Calum was honest, and I can't be mad at him for not sparing my feelings because I told him to be honest. However, I will be mad at him for being intimate with my boyfriend while he was my boyfriend.

I began to wonder if Michael ever held him like he held me. If Michael ever kissed him and told him that he loved him. If Michael ever showed Calum love.

I knew I would drive myself crazy.

"I want to go, Luke. Please take me away."

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