Chapter Eight

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L u k e

It was now three. Two hours since I caught a glimpse of Ashton. It felt good to see the boy who I wanted to be near. I know he saw me with Arzaylea, and I know he was hurting. I saw tears on his perfect cheeks.

Nothing can express how guilty I felt for being with someone I didn't love to make me forget the person I actually love. Ashton was on my mind ninety nine percent of the time.

I wonder if he loved me like I loved him. Sometimes, my heart aches, knowing he was hurting. I saw Ashton running to his backyard after I agreed to be with her again. I knew he saw us.

I also knew it broke his heart completely.

I was so deeply in love with Ashton, it hurt. Right after he left today, I sent Arzaylea home. I didn't have the time to play house while I was in so much pain and full of guilt.

I stared at my wall, one single picture hung up. It was me and Ashton on his seventeen birthday. His smile was as wide as ever, while I was just staring at him with an adored expression.

I felt my heart began to hurt. I knew I messed up the minute I hurt him. Ever since I told him I didn't have feelings for him.

I messed up bad. I would fix things when I had the heart to leave Arzaylea.

I was interrupted from thinking by Kai bursting in my room. This was the first time I saw Kai so down. I sat up, quickly. "I did the right thing Luke. He should be with his real parents. Tell me I did the right thing!" He screamed, tears clouding his vision.

I stared at him confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" I exclaimed, scared to hear the answer. I prayed it wasn't about Ashton.

"Ashton. My parents aren't his real parents. I gave him the money he needed to go be with them. Tell me I did the right thing!" He panicked. I had never seen him so down.

"What? Why are you—"

"He's going to England! I'm going to be upset! He's my little brother and I-I sent him away!"

My heart immediately stopped.

Ashton was leaving.

Sudden realization hit me and I ran out of my room, keys in my hands. I heard Kai's footsteps behind me. I knew he was yelling, but my hearing switched off. 

I jumped into my car and started it up before backing out of the driveway, driving it toward the airport as fast as I could.

I felt tears blur my vision, making it slightly difficult to drive. I couldn't let him leave. He was all I had. I couldn't let him slip from my finger tips.

My tears soon wouldn't stop, but I didn't care. I had to get to him. I couldn't loose Ashton. He was all I had. I quickly parked in the first space I found and hurried out of my car.

I ran inside the airport, running past security, my eyes scanning everyone as I searched for the curly haired boy who had taken over my heart.

I raced toward the terminal his plane should be at. I prayed and hoped that the plane hadn't left yet. I felt my tears streaming down my cheeks, yet I couldn't bring myself to stop them.

I started yelling the boys name. I kept hoping to see his face in a crowd as I kept running towards the terminal. I prayed to God that he would be there or somewhere near. I needed him.

"Luke.. It's beautiful." He whispered, staring at the engraved necklace I had gotten him. I stared at him, my eyes full of pure love.

"Here, let me put it on you." I sat up a little, him turning around and letting the necklace fall onto his neck. My fingers tried to grip the clasp.

"Ashton!" I screamed, hoping I'd hear his voice yell back. I still had a little ways until I reach the terminal he was waiting at.

My feet didn't stop the pace they were at. I couldn't loose him, I just couldn't. I couldn't be that far from him. He was my everything.

"There you go." I whispered, finally clipping the necklace together. It dropped onto his neck loosely, making me watch it.

He turned around and smiled at me, his smile falling once noticing how close our faces were.

"Please.." I sobbed, just wanting him in my arms. "Please don't be gone." I whispered. I kept repeating myself, continuing to run.

My legs started burning from how long I've ran but I didn't care. I just wanted my Ashton.

Neither of us made a move to break apart. I felt his breath pick up as my breath hit his lips. I looked into his eyes and I saw his eyes full of emotions I couldn't decifier.

"Luke.." He started to say but I leaned a little closer. I wanted to feel how soft his lips really were. The tension began building and it was getting nearly impossible for me to keep my lips off his.

I finally reached the terminal and didn't see anyone waiting. I panicked, rushing up to the lady, tears blinking down my face. "P-please tell me the plane isn't gone." I croaked out.

She gave me a sad look and I already knew the answer. I slowly made my way to a seat and sat down, my pain hitting me all at once. Sobs fell from my lips as I felt like my emotions were uncontrollable.

The sound of a door broke us apart. I looked up to see Michael, his face unreadable. When he looked at Ashton, he looked sad, almost as if he knew that I truly loved him.

Michael walked away and Ashton turned to me with a glare. "I know you don't like him.. But.. Dammit! Mikey!"

He walked out of the room.

I sobbed into my hands as it hit me. I had messed my chance up. I was too late. And my consequence was loosing him.

I have never regretted something so much in my entire live.

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