Chapter Six

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A s h t o n

I sat in my room, staring at the one picture of me and Luke. I smiled as I looked around my room, my eyes landing on another picture of me and Luke.

We were in the kitchen. We both looked shocked, and I remembered why. I had made a joke about his girlfriend and he told me they had broken up. I remember I was happy to hear it.

I always thought that what I felt towards Luke was normal. I thought it was just how nice he was that warmed my heart. Looking back at it now, I feel naive. I was deeply in love with him since I first stared into his eyes. He was my hero.

No matter what he was going through, if I was having a bad day, he was there to make it all okay again. He never let tears fall down my face. He never let anyone hurt me. He never let anyone disrespect me. He stood up for me at all costs.

He almost fought Michael for calling me a crybaby. Luke got so angry when he called me any names. I always knew he was joking, but Luke didn't care. He didn't allow anyone to talk to me like that.

I always thought I loved Michael, but now I see that it always was Luke.

I felt my chest began to tighten as I thought of Luke. Was he with her? Was he kissing her like he used to kiss me? Was he wiping her tears? Was he showing her the clearing?

So many questions ran through my head, and before I knew it, tears were running down my cheeks. I had to tell Michael the truth. He deserved that much. He didn't deserve his friend angry at him, when I was in love with someone else the whole time.

I pulled my phone out and texted him, knowing that this conversation could go one of two ways. I just braced myself, hoping it went okay.

I need to come over. We have to talk.

I slipped on a old jacket and some wore out shoes before grabbing my wallet and heading out of my room and out of my house.

I felt sick walking towards his house. I knew it was messed up that I let him feel guilty this long. I just needed to take a break. It had been a week since I talked to Amelia. I knew it was best if I came clean now. Before it really was too late.

I approached the boys doorstep and knocked lightly on the wooden door that opened to his living room. He opened the door, giving me a soft smile. He opened the door wider to let me in. I walked in the house and smiled slightly at the area. I had become so accustomed to this place.

I sat down on the couch as he did the same. I knew this was going to hurt him. To learn the boy he had loved for three or more years had never actually loved him back.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "So, what did you need to talk to me about?" He said quietly.

I took a shaky breath in. "Please, don't be angry. Okay. So, the whole time we were in a relationship, I loved someone else." His face looked full of pain. "But I swear I thought I loved you! I wouldn't have stayed in the relationship that long if I knew the truth. I know it sounds like I'm a huge bitch—"

"Ashton." He grabbed my hand, and I looked down at his hand on mine in surprise. "I know. I knew, the whole time. I saw the way you looked at him, Ash. Your eyes proved to me that what I initially thought. I just was so in love with you, I didn't want to let that go." He gave me a tiny smile, it broke my heart to hear him.

"I knew I was being selfish but I thought that you might, just one day, love me the way I loved you. But that day never came. Even after three years, you never looked at me the way you looked at him." He whispered, retracting his hand that was on top of mine, sighing.

"Don't let him go, Ashton. I don't care what you have to do, fight for him." He told me, staring into my eyes as his began to water. "And I don't care what he says, he loves you Ashton. You both look at each other like your worlds would end if you two weren't near each other." He choked up a bit before sucking in a deep breath.

"Don't let him go. You and Luke's love is one of a kind. Its instant love. Trust me, if you let that go, you'll never find it again." He whispered, tears making their way down his cheeks. "I may not have accepted it the right way, but I apologize. I never meant to hurt you or keep you from someone you actually loved. And if you ever want to be as close as we used to be, I'd like that." He told me.

I didn't stop myself as I got up and hugged him. I would always have love toward Michael. I was friends with him for eight years before we ever dated. I cared about him a lot and nothing would change that. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me before pushing me off gently. "Go to him. Tell him how you feel." He whispered, pushing a smile onto his face.

I nodded and walked towards Michael's front door before stopping and looking back at him. "Thank you." I whispered. He nodded and I took a deep breath before exiting his house and making my way towards the one place I was most anxious to go to. Luke's.

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