Chapter 2 - Two Choices

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Chapter 2 - Two Choices

"You will not walk out on me."

Princess Alexandria felt her body stop, while her mind screamed at her to run. "Mother," she said with as much dignity as she could muster, "I have already told you that it is ridiculous to try and force this on me. The only duty that I have right now is to myself. How can you demand that I be content with this?"

"Darling," her mother answered in a stern, but calm voice, "you must listen to me. You and the Crowned Prince Phillip have been engaged since you were born."

Alexandria thought that she caught a hint of pity in her mother's voice, but she couldn't understand why it would be there.

"Be that as it may," the Queen continued, unaware of her daughter's thoughts, "your Father and I have listened to your rather strong and persistent arguments. You want love, and since your father and I did not have an arranged marriage you believe that we have no right to insist that you marry Prince Phillip."

Princess Alexandria released a sigh that would have made her tutors cringe.

"You forget my dear," Queen Valerie reminded keeping her voice calm; she had dealt with her daughter's outburst for years, "We have given you an alternative. You choose to believe that you have no free will, that you are trapped, but know that there is always a choice. It is all a matter of opinion."

"You are trying to confuse me with words, Mother. I just can't understand-."

Her mother surprised her by rolling her eyes, "That is precisely why one should not leave a conversation before it is finished. Darling, you claim it is love that you desire. Your father and I are giving you a chance to find it. Why are you not elated by this?"

"Because you are using my birthday as the lure for suitors." she explained. "Mother, how do you expect me to fall in love, in one night, at a Masked Ball. And suppose I do happen to find someone, how will I know what he looks like?"

Queen Valerie tilted her head slightly, "If it is love, will his appearance matter?"

Alexandria stilled.

"If you are concerned," her mother added, "about being taken advantage of because you are the Crowned Princess, then worry not. Everyone invited is an acceptable suitor, and as long as you keep your identity during the festivities a secret; no one will feel the need to act differently around you. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy being yourself and hopefully find someone whom you could grow to love."

"You appear to have thought about this for a while," Alexandria remarked, feeling defeated. "However, that still only gives me one night to fall in love."

Her mother grinned, "No darling, remember you must listen before storming out of a meeting. When the clock strikes midnight, you'll reveal yourself to the guests. The next morning, letters will be sent to the families of your selected potential suitors. After a chaperoned afternoon with each man, you will narrow down the list and continue until you are satisfied with the remaining suitor. If you believe yourself to be in love with this person by the start of the New Year, then your father and I will call off the arranged marriage. If not, then you shall wed Prince Phillip."

"Mother, your plan sounds like it came from a story book. How can you be so confident in it? What about the treaty and Prince Phillip?"

Queen Valerie nodded. "You forget Alexandria, the treaty between you and Phillip is not binding until your 19th birthday. That gives you over a year to hopefully find love and then plan your wedding. It will be your choice whether that wedding is to Phillip or not."

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