Chapter 19 - 96 Hours

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Chapter 19 - 96 Hours

~~~ Alexandria

It was the day that Alexandria was scheduled to have her chaperoned visit with Lord Ronald Montego. Alexandria didn't know what to expect, but hoped beyond hope that the man would be on his very best behavior.

Of all of the afternoons or mornings that she had spent with the men she had met at the ball, only one had been somewhat agreeable, Sir Brown. He was actually Prince Anton Viktor Marcel Egger, the youngest son of King Heralf of Rramnon. She had heard speculations regarding the supercilious attitudes of the Rramnon Royals, but was pleasantly surprised by the man's character.

Prince Anton was seven years her senior, but he never once treated her like an arrogant child, and he constantly asked for her opinion on various topics.

His presence didn't affect her as Noah's did, but Alexandria couldn't deny that she felt a sense of comradely between herself and Prince Anton.

"Pardon me Princess?" Mr. Thurston's voice called, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Is my guest here?" Alexandria asked.

He nodded to her question "Yes, your Highness."

"Who is chaperoning today?" Tilly had acted as chaperone for the last three suitors, but she had been sent to the market on an errand. Sky forbid she have to use one of her instructors again.

"The young Lord has brought a chaperon, for the occasion, your Highness." He answered only partially putting her mind at ease.

"Is that appropriate?" She asked still somewhat concerned.

"His Majesty approved of the situation personally; however Princess, if you are uncomfortable I can ask one of your teachers to act as substitute."

His response made Alexandria physically cringe.

"Mr. Thurston," she wondered, "do you trust them?"

A frown appeared on the old man's face. " There is something about the Lord that irks me Highness, but his chaperon appears to be quiet a decent fellow."

His words caught Alexandria's attentions. "How do you mean?"

"The lad has kind eyes, your Highness." He answered slightly taken back by her reaction. "I know that your Highness isn't use to male chaperons, but I have a strong feeling that everything will be fine." He assured her.

"Thank you, Mr. Thurston." She acknowledged distractedly. "I have full confidence in your judgment."

Although her words were true, her thoughts were elsewhere.


It must be him.

They wouldn't be able to forget their social standings today.

Alexandria would have to adhere to the rules of social conduct.

It meant that she would be unable to speak to Noah, and he would not be allowed to speak at all.

Would she be able to disregard the person capable of captivating her?

Could she ignore Noah?

"You may let them in, now." She informed calmly, while her mind buzzed with confusion.

When the door opened, her first thought was of Lord Ronald Montego. She couldn't help but appreciate that he wasn't wearing the atrocity she had seen him in at the Ball.

Alexandria's next thought was how different Noah looked compared to Lord Ronald. When he intervened at the Ball, Noah had appeared so much taller than his masters. His very presence had demanded attention.

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