Hankuri- The blood around the needles was fake. –holds up tissue with it on it- If this was real blood, it would have gotten dark when it dried, but it is the same as it was on her body. During the hours she was dead, the blood would have dried.


                                  Shannon- So you are telling me she had “fake” blood on her?


                                 Cratos- How could someone have fake blood?


                              Marina- “the same way someone could have fake skin”


                             Sabrina- No way. There is no such thing as fake skin or blood. And if there was, there would be no way to make it unless you are a scientific genius.


                               Marina- “You’re wrong!” (Verbal bullet shot at Sabrina) I pulled out the bottle I found in the trash.


                              Manoto- Marina, what is that stuff?


                              Marina- “This is liquid latex. I didn’t realize it before, but if you apply it right, it appears as real skin” I stuck my finger in the bottle and let the latex dry. I peeled it off and heard Shelby gulp, as if trying to hold her stomach in. “I found this with Hankuri. It was on Viviana’s neck, almost straight across it. There was also blood on the front of her dress. This time it was dried and real. I found this unusual since the blood below her waist was still wet.The needles didn’t kill Viviana. In fact, the needles weren’t even in her skin. Viviana’s neck was slit”


    A couple of gasps and Monokuma’s laugh filled the silent room.


                                   Monokuma- Ahaha! That is right! Her neck was slit and all the blood came pouring out like a fountain Ahaha!


                                   Cordell- But how would the killer be able to cleanly slit her neck? Viviana isn’t smart, but she would have been smart enough to struggle against her assailant. 


                                    Ashley- Wouldn’t Viviana scream if anyone came at her with knife? Why didn’t any of us hear her? She is obnoxiously loud anyways.


                                     Marina- “Viviana’s lips were slightly bruised. She might have been caught off guard and held in place. She was probably gagged which explains why we wouldn’t have heard her.  


                                     Cratos- If her neck got slit, wouldn’t have there been blood everywhere?


                                   Sabrina- the culprit probably cleaned the mess.

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now