Chapter 24

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It is amazing but I wake up before my alarm clock starts to ring. I turn it off making sure I won’t have to hear it’s complaining this morning. I don’t even know how I am awake at this time. I think it has to do with my anxiety and visiting Zane’s house with my father. It was like meet the parents but with whole different intentions.

 I get up and get ready quickly trying to catch my father on the way out before he leaves.

 I run downstairs after having everything is ready for the day but bump right into the door. I push it open and safe to say find my dad sitting at our table reading the morning paper while drinking a cup of coffee. He was dressed up in a suit as always and looked sharp as ever. Office talk sure catches on quick.

 I even find my mother sitting down with my father reading a fashion magazine. I wish they got to see and spend time with each other more often, but work calls and one of them is always out. I should give them a night where they get the house to themselves with no use of electronics so they can enjoy every second of it. Yeah, I like that idea. It’s romantic.

 “Morning love birds.” I say kissing my father on the head and my mother on the cheek before grabbing a plate and loading it with eggs Neena had just cooked up. I wish I knew how to cook like her…well only some things.

 “Why so cheery and how are you even awake yet?” My father asks looking away from his paper right at my mom.

 “Oh I’m just excited about apartment hunting that’s all. Remember dad you said we could check some out after work today.” I say not bringing up that we were also going to inspect Zane’s house.

 “Oh that’s right. Well we will only check them out, I want your mother with us if we find anything.” He says grabbing my mother’s hand from across the table.

 Now that was a cute moment. I think I just saw my mom blush. I should ask them how they met one day. Still cant believe it never crossed my mind before.

 “Thanks hunny, but that will be impossible we are always working and when one of us gets time off the other is still working.” She says with defeat.

 “I will always make time for my wife.” My father says giving my mother’s hand a kiss. She giggles like a little schoolgirl and sees me grinning at them through the corner of her eye.

 “Okay then it’s settled I will see you guys later!” I say speed walking out of the kitchen wanting them to have the time they do get together to be intimate even if it is only for a couple of minutes.

 I get in my car and head straight to work wanting to get an early lead to my work. I might be lucky and get done fast.

 When I enter the parking garage I see Zane’s car already here. It seems he is one of the first. That’s odd; does he always come this early?

 I get out and hurry to the building not wanting to bump into anyone that may cause me to chitchat away with them. I enter the building and head straight for the gold elevator, for once I get it all to myself. I make funny faces in my reflection not caring if there was a camera or not. I might as well give whoever is watching a show to watch.

 When it is my stop I get out and walk the corridor sliding my card into the machine. It blinks green and unlocks. I walk in realizing that not all the lights are on in the space. I leave it be just in case it wasn’t my job to turn them on. I wasn’t in the mood to get yelled out by whoever. I head straight for my office, but see a faint light shinning through Zane’s door.

 A short visit wont hurt. I knock on his door and open it not waiting for an answer. A startled Zane looks up at me and then to the door. I close it right behind me, locking it as well.

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